IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The important role of computers in the classroom is undeniable, so some people believe that technological advancements can replace the duties of lecturers in school. Despite some technological benefits, I disagree with
Nowadays, a wide range of technologies are employed in many aspects of daily life. Computer use is increasing, particularly in education, which will eliminate the need for teachers in the classroom. From my perspective,
By the side of the world technological development Online learning is being popular than the physical teaching under a well-educated person. But, it is do not comparative for child studying. In my essay I will explain h
There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, especially in the field of education. In recent times, an increasing number of recruiters rely on computers to research information and t
There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives especially in the field of education. In recent times, an increasing number of students rely on computers to research for information and t
There have been immense advances in technology is most aspects of people's live especially in the field of education. In recent times, an increasing number of students rely on computers to research for information and to
Modern world technological development spread all over human activities and Online education has become the most popular in learning efforts. Physical teaching under the supervisor is going to be reduced. In my opinion,
There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, especially in the field of education. In recent times, an increasing number of recruiters rely on computers to research information and t
In the modern era, lots of technologies are used in many parts of human life. Especially in education, computers are being used more and more frequent, which will make the teacher’s role in the classroom unnecessary. In
There have been vast advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, specially in the field of education. Nowaday, an increasing number of students rely on computers for research and to produce a perfect paper
The technology incorporation in educational inputs has increased in the last years, prompting to question the role of educators and their utility. This essay disagrees with the last statement, since in-person teaching re
It is true that computers and technology are developing rapidly, and they may be substituted with teachers in schools. However, while I recognize that computers are highly useful, I do not agree with the idea that they c
Information technology and globalization have ushered in the new era and also bought some certain evil. It is believed that, in today's era the use of computers has been increased and are used in campuses for education.
Nowadays, computers have a great influence on education, it is argued that they can be used as alternatives to traditional teachers. I disagree with this statement as I believe that machines couldn't play the role of the
Widespread usage of technology-based tools in education institutions has lead many people to argue that machines can displace teachers in the future. However, I completely disagree because not only their teaching is more
Nowadays, there is an increase in the use of computers in teaching, so it is considered that the role of the teacher in the classroom will be taken over by computers. In my perspective, it is undeniable that computers pl
As everybody knows that we live technology time. People can use it everywhere it navodays sac as education. İt has a big role in there. many students use computers for their homework, study, get some informatationor res
Nowadays, the majority of people prefer to use modern technology gadgets while working. Also, in many fields computers started replacing human beings. Due to this reason, some people think that after some time AI will co
As nowadays a computers are playing great role in our life and being used more and more in education this have both sides advantages as well as disadvantages. Further, more advantages and disadvantages are discuss below
It is true that nowadays, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent and having a significant impact on our lives, particularly education. There is no doubt that computers have many merits for both teache
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