The development of technology has changed every single part of our life the same can be said for the invention of the computer. nowadays there are a number of software that can easily translate any kind of text or word o
Thanks to the technology revolution every single part of our life has changed the same can be said for meaning any kind of word or text. regardless of some argue that learning new languages is time taking it seems to me
It is argued that acquiring a global language pass- the time if languages can be converted impeccably from one to another swiftly by computers in the modern world. It disagrees that individuals lose the time to acquaint
It is argued that acquiring a global language pass- the time if languages can be converted impeccably from one to another swiftly by contemporary computers. It disagrees that individuals should lose the time to acquaint
Nowadays, because of the advance of technology, people can understand other languages by utilizing a translation website such as google translate, accurately and conveniently. Thus, some people state that it is unnecessa
Because of the advance of technology, people can understand other languages by utilizing a translation website such as Google translate, accuately and conveniently. Thus, some people state that it is unnecessary to learn
Nowadays, language translation has become easy due to technological advancement, which makes some people believe that learning different languages is not necessary, where I tend to agree partially with this argument.
Nowadays, language translation has become easy due to technological advancement, which makes some people believe that learning it is not necessary, where I tend to agree partially with this argument.
Converting languages by computers is providing quick and accurate results. While I believe that studying overseas languages is not a waste of time, I also recognize that there are many applications available on the Inter
There are many languages spoken all over the world and one cannot learn dialects just for the sake of travelling to different countries. It is widely believed that comprehending a new language is unnecessary, as it can b
It is true that computers are translated our speech in a fraction of a second with full of accuracy. However, there is an ongoing debate on the learning a foreign language is worth it or just a waste of time. Well, I fi
Nowadays, advancement in artificial intelligence and unprecedented increase in the volume of data, text materials, in various languages, on the internet, have made it possible for computer scientists to design algorithms
Since the translation performed by computing systems is fast and is quite correct so, time consumed to imbibe a foreign language is wasted. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement. The reasons behind the
Some people adhere to the opinion that the computers are easy and faster form of translating one language to another languages, then why people want to waste their time for learning new lanuages. However, I completely di
With the constant growth of digitalization, global boundaries are also opening. With a rise in global interaction, many opine that studying other country's language can be replaced by using a computer as they are compara
Technology has reduced manual human efforts to a great extend. Some people think that there is no need to learn a new language since by using a computer one can translate and understand foreign speech. This essay will d
Technology has reduced manual human efforts to a great extend. Some people think that there is no need to learn a new language since by using a computer one can translate and understand foreign speech. This essay will di
Technology has reduced manual human efforts to a great extend. Some people think that, there is no need to learn new language since by using a computer one can translate and understand foreign speech. This essay will dis
With the advent of the technology everything has been changed with regards to working, teaching or even learning. Computers can translate everything faster than the humans so fast and quick that it has been argued that a