IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Globalisation is the process of integration amongst people which was brought about by an unprecedented development in technology, especially in communication and transportation. This process has made cultures and traditi
Advancement of technology in communication and transportation has catalized glabalisation. This phenomenon created more shared common things and values within global citizen. Some people assume that globalisation can dis
Nowadays, when our society is in the stage of rapid transformation ,a tendency to increase in the amount of factors which lead to globalisation can be observed. It is agreed, that this issue can lead to the total loss of
There is no doubt that these days, societies are falling prey to mass globalization. The question is, will this phenomenon lead to the total loss of cultural identity? In this essay I am going to discuss the impact of ma
The world has become a small village since the internet, computers, planes and trains appeared. They could connect people from the north to the south and from the east to the west together easily, without barriers. Eithe
Globalization means that in some ways people around the world are becoming more and more similar. We often eat the same food, watch the same TV programmes, listen to the same music and we wear the same clothes. Some of t
Globalization is driving changes in social functions such as human communication and how the public use transportation. From this situation, I firmly agree that there are several benefits to people living in a community
I both agree and disagree with the statement. On the one hand, I assume globalisation will eventually cover the world if connections between societies continue to grow. On the other hand, it is not likely to happen in th
Globalization is a phenomenon that has recently changed the societies and the way we live in todays world. It has been going on for centuries but with the improvements of technology and communication, it has grown rapidl
Many people are worried thinking that globalisation will destroy cultural identity. Personally, I believe that globalisation may help to preserve cultural identity thanks to technology and may divulge this identity in or
The evolution of communication and transport throughout the years has impacted globalization, which some people fear will impact a cultural loss. I partly agree with this statement which I will discuss in the following p
There is no doubt that these days globalization becoming a world-spread phenomenon and has significantly increased over the years.The question is, does following a certain type of daily lifestyle lead to loosening the sk
In the current era, populations are slowly becoming similar due to the growth of mass communication and transport, which is known as globalisation. Some people claim that this phenomenon might have an inevitable negative
These days society is growing its needs are increasing which causes globalization. There is concern that cultural features of different nationalities might disappear, leading to a loss of cultural identity. In my point o
Globalization is the undeniable truth of our modern society. Due to updated media and transportation systems, we can observe an unreal amount of interconnectivity in our world. Some folks believe that this sudden change
There is no doubt that these days the societies felling prey to the globalization.The question is,will the phenomenon effect and lead to total loss of our own cultural identity?In this essay I am going to discuss the vie
Nowadays, globalization occurs almost everywhere across the world: developed communication and transport resources allow to exchange scientific and cultural knowledge. Numerical people think this trend is treatning cultu
Nowadays we live in an era where people around the world are becoming more and more similar . We eat the same food , wear some clothe and watch the same tv shows. Therefore, many are arguing that this may lead to loss o
It is often argued, it is a common scenario these days that Information media and smart vehicles are consistently booming and the community is widely accepting the new changes which are called globalization. While on the
There is no doubt that these days societies are facing a phenomenon called globalization. The question is that globalization going to lead to a complete loss of cultural identity? In my opinion,I think that globalization
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