The Bar Graph compares number of males and females of various ages from Australia who exercise regularly in the year 2010. The unit is measured in percentage.
This report derives from the bar graph which enumerates the percentage of Australian men and women in various of age groups who did routine physical activity in 2010.
The graphic illustrates the birth place of the people living in cities, towns, and rural areas in Australia between 1995 and 2010. As is observed, the percentage varied highly depending on the living area. You will find
The bar chart illustrates amount of different sexes on Australian regular physical activitiy in 2010. Chart break the age groups six categories, from 15 to from 65 and over.
The provided bar charts delineate the fluctuations in the percentages of native-born Australians and foreign-born individuals residing in urban, rural, and town areas between 1995 and 2010.
The graph demonstrates the proportion of people born in Australia and who were born outside Australia living in different places namely cities, countryside, and towns over a 5-year period, starting in 1995.
These bar charts shows the diffirance of birth percentage between 1995 and 2010 of people inside and outside australia , its clear from the chart that percentage of people born in ceities in and out australia and in both
The bar chart demonstrates the proportion of Australian nationalities, residing in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart cities, habituated to buy and have tea and coffee from last four weeks.
The figure above shows the buying and use of both coffee and tea in past 3 weeks for people in 5 cities in Australia, it expands on the percentages of people that go to cafes and people who buy instant and frseh coffee