IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the world where everything has a price, people are becoming money-oriented. In such a situation, whether it is vital to have job satisfaction or a huge pay check is an opinion that is dividing people with two differen
Sometimes it is argued that big salary is more important than job satisfaction. I will discuss this in detail.
It is believed that a higher salary is more important than job satisfaction. In any case, I do not agree with this idea at all. In my opinion, job satisfaction is more necessary.
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a profession with high remuneration, even if it doesn't appeal to you at all. I am in consummate disaccord with this statement and think that work enjoyment is mu
Some people believe higher salary packages at work is of more importance than job satisfaction. People are of the view that work satisfaction should not matter much if you are earning tremendous package. Personally, I di
Money is one of the important parts to live in the modern society and some people think that having a huge amount of wage is better than having positive feelings that workers have towards their work. In my opinion, getti
I have often heard that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage, even if it does not interest you at all. I am in total disagreement with this statement and think that job satisfaction is much more importa
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a business with high wage, even if it doesn't appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that task amusement is much more important t
Huge wage is much benificial when compared to work fulfillment. I strongly believe that big salary is much more important that job satisfaction.
I do agree with the statement . Money makes life simple in many aspects. People say if there is less income but happiness is around , then life goes smooth.
It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage, even if it doesn't appeal to you at all.I completely disagree with this opinion and think that job satisfaction is much more important than
It is often argued that a higher income salary is better than being satisfied in a job. While some would agree on such approach, I would strongly disagree for a couple of reasons.
Money is the guarantee to fulfil dreams and it insures the possibility of satisfying any future desire. The role of lucrative salary packages in job satisfaction is widely debated, with several people claiming that mone
It Is often argued that job offering higher salary is more advantageous than job satisfaction. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that job satisfaction plays a pivotal role as compared to remuneration.
It is often argued that good wage is important than a satisfying job. I strongly agree with this opinion and I believe, salary is the key and everything else in the job is not a concern.
These days, modern people are keen to think that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage, even if it does not interest you. Personally, I reckon than job satisfaction is much more important than salary.
Money does not itself make us happy if we do not like the income. As fas as i am concerned I completely against with this statement. Because satisfaction in job lead us to work healthy and happily.
High salary is of prime importance in choosing a job, as it will help to fulfil the needs and live a luxurious life, but job satisfaction will lead to productivity of work and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I disagree, th
It is often argued that good wage is important than a satisfying job. I strongly agree with this opinion and I believe, salary is the key and everything else related to work is not a concern.
It is often argued that a high paid job is vital than a satisfying work with less wage. I strongly agree with this opinion and I believe salary is the key, not job satisfaction.
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