IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Music plays an important role in society, also it one of the form of an entertainment. Some artists explain their ideas or talk about social problems in music. People listen music to take the rest and visit concerts as s
While some people assert that completing university education is the optimal way to get a job placement, others opine that getting experience and developing soft skills are more important.
There are split opnions regarding theways of getting a best job. Some people believe that education gettting from universities is the best way to get a job, whereas, another group of thinkers support that the most import
It cannot be argued that the best way to get a good work. Although some people reckon that some believe that obtaining a good profession is best achieved through completion of university education other criticizes it and
It is considered by some people that graduating from university is the best option to landing on a good job, whereas others argue that improving soft skills and acknowledging experience are essential.
whether the only pathway to guarantee the student's work future is to continue and complete a course in university or work after school in order to obtain experience is a controversial issue. I opine that, although exper
Nowadays, some people believe that getting a university degree will improve their career prospects while others insist that work experience and interpersonal skills are more important than university education. In my opi
Nowadays the employment market is full of vacancies, where an educational degree can be either required or not even mentioned. It leads me to believe that employers are more oriented on personality traits and work experi
Everyone think when it comes to landing a good job, there is an ongoing debate on whether getting a unversity degree or gaining a practicical skill is more vital. This essay, will provide two sides of my opinion that peo
Higher education is necessary to develop the knowledge which students want to focus on. Some people believe that it is the important factor to have a good career. Meanwhile, others argue that having more experience and s
While some people believe that the best way to have a fine job is through a university education, others argue that it is more important to gain experience and develop soft skills. This essay will discuss both perspectiv
The matter of education has always been a hot topic in our society. Both sides bring up a lot of good points to discuss and consider. One side gives high praise to knowledge which could lead to a higher level of educatio
Whether degrees or soft skills are more essential in order to get a decent job is a highly debatable discussion point. From this writer's perspective, while soft skills and experience are required to be successful in the
In recent years, there have been a few people who argue that pursuing higher education can help people to have jobs in the future. On the other hand, some people prioritize experiences as a main factor to gain jobs. As s
A group of individuals presents the view that it is obtaining qualifications from universities that makes finding lucrative jobs possible, while others believe that the most effective way to be employed is through develo
Over the years, extra lessons have become popular, It is debatable whether a child should go for lessons after school or not. There are pros and cons for both sides. In this essay, I will outline the benefits and drawb
People have divergent opinions about whether students should attend university to complete a course or enter the workforce to gain experience. While some argue that it would be better for students to get a Bachelor's deg
University education plays a vital role in defining the career path and in securing a job with a good pay scale. However, some people believe that soft skills and hands-on experience are more important for getting the jo
Many people believe that completing higher education at a university is the key to getting a job in this competitive era whereas others believe that it is essential to have prior experience and soft skills. I believe tha
In today's world, there's a growing discussion about the importance of life and work experience compared to completing a university degree. I graduate to those who believe that a university degree plays a crucial role in
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