IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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nowadays, many people are increasingly using A.I technology and computers for online learning, thus leading to enhance the experience of online education. This writer believes that this is a positive development due to c
Nowadays, online education growing using artificial intelligence and computers. This happens because of the benefits of this development such as fast research or having a large source of data and it is a negative growth
Nowadays, the scholar often uses computers and A.I technology increasingly for virtual education. This type of learning method can gain the learning experience effectively. At the result, it brings the positive developme
In the modern world, robotics play an essential role in human lives due to a variety of function which are helpful for development of online education. From my point of view, although there are a wide range of hardships
A.I technology and computers are more and more being used for online education. This writer thinks that artificial intelligence can enhance the learning experience because of its flexibility and enormous knowledge, it wi
Nowadays, people and artificial intelligence are relating to each other significant dependently, especially, computers or artificial intelligence are used for education in online. Actually, computers and technological ar
The integration of automation and computers has had a significant impact on the field of education in today's modern era. The increasing use of AI in education is widely recognized for its efficiency and convenience, lea
In digital age, AI technology and computers are being opted as essential devices for supporting education. This writer believes that modern applications will improve the study quality with the benefit of bringing necessa
It is often supposed that electronic gadgets have bad influences on young children, however, several people claim that using electronic devices also brings both positive and negative impacts for children. This essay will
Whether learners should use computer specially the Internet is an interesting discussion point. This writer argues that access to valuable resource.
Artificial intelligence and modern technology have a high amount of students or tutors use to online learning or teaching. This author believes that learning method is more developing in our lives and has a big drawback
In recent years, technology integration into education has revolutionized how we learn. One of the most significant advancements in this field is the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning. we have many
The use of computers and AI technology is growing more and more in education. However, while I recognize that computers are highly useful, I totally think that will benefit from artificial perception in my study.
Data processor and robotics are significantly increase being used for e-learning. This writer believes that this is a positive development due to improve the experience of our students to study online.
The use of computer and AI technology are more and more grow up in education. However, while I recognize that computers are highly useful, I totally think that it will have benefits from artificial intelligence on study.
In recent years, AI has been sharply important in education. In this essay, I want to show how students learn from technology and how it brings positive or negative ones.
In this era, AI Technology and computers are being applied to online education widely. This writer believes that using artificial intelligence can improve learner’s experience and this is a positive development.
The problem of the development in AI technology and computer system plays a crucial role in online education is becoming an increasing issue across the globe. Perhaps the enhacement in the learning skill is improved by t
The problem of the development in AI technology and computer system plays a crucial role in online education is becoming an increasing issue across the globe. Perhaps the enhacement in the learning skill is improved by t
In this digital era, the use of AI technology and computers for studying and teaching online is increasing day by day. I believe that AI helps to study become more convenient and easy. However, it can be the reason for t
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