IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that globalization has led to increased homogenization in the availability of products worldwide, raising the question of whether this trend towards similarity among countries is positive or negative. I
Countries all over the globe are considered to have an increasing level of similarity due to the number of the same production that people use in all countries. In my personal opinion, this is exceptively a positive dev
It is argued that nations are approaching to a more equal state owing to the purchasability of the same item around the globe.I believe that this is a positive trend as such this will lead to a reduction of money wasta
These days, some people say that shopping in different countries are becoming more similar when there is less different in products around the world. Some people think this cause negative effects, while the others do not
Countries are becoming more similar becase people can buy the same products no matter in which country you are, for me this is a positive development for all the countries and regions as long as the society stays connect
These day and age, many claim that countries residents are more similar than past because of the same production in all around the world. Although it is good for communication between countries and make easy situation fo
Some people say that different nations are becoming very similar due to people can purchase the same goods anywhere in the world, no matter where they live. I think this is true and it can be a positive feature of globa
Nowadays, we can get everything effortlessly throughout the world. There are no differences between countries as their products are equally distributed worldwide. In this essay, I will state whether it is a positive or n
Nowadays, a lot of countries are becoming identical and it caused significantly to world market. Because now people can buy other country’s products in their own state. From my point of view, it is beneficial development
The events of countries becoming increasingly similar due to global availability of identical products is a subject of considerable debate. This development has both positive and negative consequenses and its effect on s
We live in an era where the world has become a small village, thanks to the thriving of technology. Purchasing similar and homogenous goods globally causes most countries to become more similar. Some argue this issue has
We live in an era where countries are becoming more homogenous due to the globalization effect and technological benefits. In my point of view, it is good to see that people are mixed with cross-culture and can buy the s
In the current area, due to the rise of globalization has made people buy the same products worldwidely. Furthermore, there seems to be negative progress in current world development rather than positive progress. This e
In the modern world, people can purchase the same things anywhere in the world. Due to the fact that countries are becoming similar. Experts and sales analysts seem to have been discussing this issue for a long time. So
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of whether it is negative or positive that nations are becoming more similar due to the same products bought in these countries. Personally, I firmly believe that
We live in an era where countries becoming more homogeneous due to the global availability of identical products. In my opinion, this trend brings positive development as it promotes cross-cultural adoption and fulfils
In contemporary society, there are a lot of products which are found anywhere in the countries such as broadcasts, advertisements, or shopping centres as citizens who are different nationalities can have the same product
Nowadays, the differences between countries are decreasing, as purchasing a product is possible all around the world. Although the availability of similar products worldwide has positive and negative effects, I believe t
increasing the similarity between nations, have beneficial effects for communities as well as some drawbacks. I think globalization has more positive effects, purchasing the same products with higher qualities such as ca
Nowadays, more and more countries are turning to be the same due to unique abilities to purchase uniform products. Now, this question comes to mind whether it is a plus point or a negative one. In my opinion, it could b
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