IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is said that the government should determine a regulation about nutrition food to enhance healthy care in a nation. While, some believe that public health should be individual for some plausible reason. Others feel th
Languages indeed play a crucial role in people's lives for communicating with others. However, some say that learning a foreign linguistic can assist to the people when they are travel or work in abroad while others thin
The last time, many people used to travel foreign country to look for many differences from their country. However, cities on over the world are becoming more and more similar. The writer argues the main reason is global
It is argued that in the past many people used to go abroad to find many differences from their home country. Others think that cities around the world have an increasing number of the similar. This writer believes that
The given line graph depicts of population in penitentiary for both genders in a country in Europe from 1911 to 2001. The figures were measured in thousand (T).
The provided line graphs depict the changes in the prison population of a European country from 1991 to 2001.
Contained in the illustration are two line graphs pertaining to the population of prisoners in a European nation in a 90-year period. The data was measured in person.
The table illustrates the amount of food consumed individually per week in a European country from the year 1992 to 2012. Regarding the information given,the trend throughout the period showed similarities in the most
The table illustrates the amount of food consumed by individuals per week in a European country in 1992, 2002 and 2012. Overall, individuals consumed vegetables the most, followed by meat in all three periods. Although t
There is an argument among people about learning a foreign language. One group claim that travelling or working is the only reason to follow that but other groups disagree with this idea.
While it is widely maintained that the primary purpose of acquiring exotic speeches is to enhance the opportunity to secure overseas employment or enjoy outbound trips, this essay believes that learners of foreign langu
It is undeniable that learning foreign languages is becoming increasingly prevailing among people, which has accordingly sparked a sharp dispute among critics so as to learn whether they are mastered for job prospects an
The motives behind learning a foreign language is quite puzzling. While some believe that it solely stems from people wanting to be able to pursue working or travelling in a foreign country, I, along with others firmly b
Nowadays, the curiosity about the reason behind learning a foreign language has become a heated topic among people in the language's academic field. Some people believe that the main reason that people learn a foreign la
The debate some reasons for learning a foreign language often centers on practical applications such as travel and work. Some argue that these are the main motivations, while others believe that the benefits of learning
The graph demonstrates information about the amount of male and female prisoners from 1991 to 2001 in a country in Europe.
Learning a foreign language creates a lot of opportunities for all people. However, some people believe that only benefits their overseas travelling or working, while others argue that language acquisition has no limitat
The given line graph illustrates the number of prisoner between women and men in an European region from 1911 to 2001.
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