IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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11 - Sep - 2019 David, Robert, Le Agreed that this study should also describe medical signs and symptoms of the participants. Robert gave Le the data for the participants’ baseline characteristics. Agreed that the da
Consuming excessive amount of sugar is detrimental to our health. Owing to this, arguments have arisen as to whose duty it is to regulate the level of sugar consumption. while some people believe that the obligation lies
As a result of the dangerous effect continuous consumption of sugar causes, it is thought by some that the government should play a role in controlling its intake, while others believe that it is the sole duty of a perso
Healthy lifestyle is an important goal to achieve and maintain. it includes both healthy diet and exercises. In my opinion, Mainitaining healthy dietary habits is a responsability of both individuals and governements. Bo
The surge of sugar consumption is becoming prevalent everywhere. Some argue that the government should control the increase of sugary product consumptions. In my opinion, I believe it is an individual's power to limit th
Consuming excessive sugar has an injurious effect on human health. Some individuals believe that the government is accountable to put restrictions for people's sugar usage while others believe that it is their own respon
Eating sugar has detrimental effect on our health.Although, someone would argue that consuming sugar limitation is the duty of government,while others think and I believe that it is a personal responsibility to control
Undoubtedly, over consumption of sugary foods is detrimental to our well being. Consequently, it is thought by some that the lawmakers should be responsible to curb the intake of sugars by the people. Others, however, be
Undoubtedly, over consumption of sugary foods is detrimental to our wellbeing. Consequently, it is thought by some that the lawmakers should be responsible to curb the intake of sugars by the people. Others, however, bel
It is commonly known that high intake of sugar is unhealthy for the health of people. It is often argued by some people that it is the accountability of government to monitor and watch the amount of the sugar people eat,
Who is responsible for limiting people’s sugar consumption has become a hot topic of discussion these days. Some people perceive that governments have the responsibility to do this while others believe that it is individ
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the prevalence of non-communicable diseases caused by excessive amount of sugar intake, namely diabetes and obesity, has been increasing lately. Some people argue that counci
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the prevalence of non-communicable diseases caused by excessive of sugar intake, namely diabetes and obesity, has been increasing lately. Some people argue that councils have
It thought by some that it is the responsibility of those in in authority to reduce the intake of sugary food by individuals, while others are of the view that individuals should be in control of their sugar intake. In
The effects of long term sugar consumption and its potential consequences are well known and studied. Among the most common illnessess associated with increased sugar intake are obesity, diabetes, high blood pressue and
High consumption of sugar causes serious issues like diabetes nowadays. In order to restrict such kinds of health hazards, few people think that the government should take measures to restrict a person’s sugar intake, wh
In our contemporary world, the health problems that stem from overconsuming sugary thingies, are commonplace amid people. Who myriad of people think the responsibility of this acute situation of tends to be government. N
It is true that consuming processed food more than a limit will jeopardize health, and same stands for sugar aswell. However, while some believe that the government is resposible for limit the excessed sugar consumption,
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