IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, the biggest threat to the environment is Global Warming. It is increasing temperatures due to air pollution and climate change. In this essay I will look at some of the causes of this issue and I will also disc
The environment is menacing due to global warming. This is mainly because of the excessive use of fossil fuels and deforestation. There are a number of solutions which should be taken to deal with this predicament.
Global warming is considered one of the serious problems to our environment. This is mainly because of the emissions from cars and deforestation. There are a number of solutions that can be taken to deal with global war
The rapid increase in Earth’s temperature is a serious global problem. This essay will explore the main reasons of global warming and outline solutions that can mitigate the harmful effects of this phenomenon.
The contemporary issue of global warming has raised a significant concern globally. The world could be facing the greatest environmental threat because of crude oil exploration over many decades. Nonetheless, the governm
Nowadays, global warming has effect to peoples, animals and environments by increasing temperature cause climate change. So, government should supervise and solve the problem immediately. The following paragraphs examine
These days we are facing towards to one of the major global warming problems that they are jeopardizing to our natural world.we will discuss what influences climate change and how we can solve these problems together
Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. This essay will denote the causes and then reasonable solutions to tackle this environmental issue.
It is highly improbable that, in the modern era, a person who does not hear about global warming is found. Although, many modern scientists have claimed that we cannot survive if do not give sufficient attention to it, b
It is highly improbable that, in the modern era, a person who does not hear about global warming is found. Although, many modern scientists have claimed that we cannot survive if do not give sufficient attention to it,
It is highly improbable that, in the modern era, a person who does not hear about global warming is found. Although, many modern scientists have claimed that we cannot survive if do not give sufficient attention to it,
The moderate temperature of our planet the earth is increasing day by day which causes a severe issue to our environment. In this essay I will discuss the factors related to this matter and how to solve it.
It has been a concern to many countries that the average temperature of our world has kept increasing during the last few decades. This essay will discuss why greenhouse gas emission from using petrol vehicles is the ma
The epoch of rapid development of industries has brought a convenient life for human beings, nevertheless, it also caused a giant threat to the environment, which is called global warming. The essay explores some potent
Undoubtedly, climate change in our global environment should consider a major threat in the upcoming period. Therefore, several global warming complications including carbon emissions, and another crisis is the main caus
Nowadays, global warming is arguably one of the most concerning problems in the world. This essay will point out what causes it, as well as suggest some solutions to mitigate the dilemma.
Global warming is a controversial topic nowadays, as many governments are struggling with this turmoil. Some procedures that cause it will be noted and the effects of them on our planet will be notified. After that, some
Global warming is one of the biggest dangers to our nature. The main reasons are lack of education and overpopulation. The most viable solutions are aware societies and global laws.
It is true that global warming has been serious problem to our planet for a long time. When it comes to the global warming, there are various triggers resulted in this, and I will explain the reasons and recommend some m
In this day and age, some people believe in the view that the Earth is becoming warmer day by day, which is one of the most dangerous hazards to the environment. There are a host of reasons behind this phenomenon, and se
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