IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A society is made up of both men and women and schools act as building blocks of any civilised society. Often what we learn at school consciously or subconsciously goes with us a long way . In many countries , parents ha
A society is made up of both men and women and schools act as building blocks of any civililised society. Often what we learn at school conscioulsy and sub consciously goes with us long way . In many countries , parents
People have different views about attending to single-sex schools. Some of them are worried about that children who spend their school life in this kind of school would suffer negative inpacts in their future life. In my
It is thought by many that nations, where wards are sent by their parent to a mixed-sex academy, have a better edge over their counterparts. In my opinion, I totally agree with the notion because it affects the build-up
It is thought by many that in nations where wards are sent by their parent to a mixed-sex school have a better edge over their counterparts. In my opinion, I totally agree with the notion because it affects the build up
It’s argued that nowadays, studying in a single-sex school is unnecessary and this will have drawbacks in the future for the children. I agree with the statement as it will be more beneficial for students to participate
In most countries, parents have the option to choose if they want their children to study in single-sex schools or co-educational ones. The right choice amongst both options is a contentious argument. However, I opine th
Nowadays,there are many different schools such as single-gender schools and mix-schools all over the world, so that parents could choose which kind of schools that their kids should go into. Some people hold the opinion
Nowadays, many young people are sent to schools with different gender type. Although single-sexsex education system could bring some advantages, personally, I believe that dier consequences could be provided for children
Nowadays, parents can decide between having their children learn at single-sex schools and mixed-gender schools. It is considered by some that there are some drawbacks in the single-sex environment that affects students
For people who are, at least, concerned, it is easy to search the Internet and discover web pages containing articles discussing the education system. The point of view supposes that nowadays parents all over the world m
For people who are, at least, concerned, it is easy to search the Internet and discover web pages containing articles discussing education system. The point of view supposes that nowadays parents all over the world might
It is true that single-sex schools are becoming common in many countries and an increasing number of parents are choosing those schools for their teenagers. However, I disagree with such an idea and this essay will prese
Some people think that sending children to co-educational schools have more advantages than sending them to single-sex schools. It reflects in their later life. Although, it is the personal choice of parents to do so. Bu
Single-sex education is an aproach that is gaining popularity these days. Although there is no unified verdict on wheter it is beneficial or disadvantagtous to children today, I think, students being in same-gander schoo
In recent times, parents now have the choice to choose if their children would attend mixed or single-sex school in many parts of the world. Certain folks argue that students whom school on gender-specific institution mi
In many nations, parents have the freedom and the right to opt any form of schools for their beloved children such as single gender school or co-educational one. However, the dispute about the pros and cons of attending
In some countries nowadays, parents face a dilemma to make a decision about their children`s education. Some hold the view that studying in a homogenous setting will have pitfalls in students` future professional and per
Most of the family prefers to send their children to mixed-sex schools or single-sex schools in many countries nowadays, while a number of people are not in favour of a single-sex school. Personally, I completely agree w
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