IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's society, crime rate is increasing day by day and as a result, parents are afraid to let their childrens go out. US authorities took decision to impose a curfew for youth at night and if they want to go out, on
In several states of America there are limitations of time when teenagers could be outside except the situation when they are accompanied by an adult. I partly agree with this initiative and in this essay, I will explain
Students always have an urge to enjoy the nightlife of the city. However, it is restricted to step outside at night in some part of the United States without an adult along . I completely agree with this decision and in
Generally, it is believed that many illegal and inappropriate activities happen at midnight. Hence, in some ,places the governments have imposed a curfew not allowing teenagers to stay outdoors at night beyond a certain
In some regions of America, a curfew seems to be imposed although it has not been imposed in Japan for many years. There should be from background to impose a curfew and this essay will discuss the pros and cons of it.
In some regions of America, a curfew seems to be imposed although it has not beenimposed in Japan for many years. There should be from background to impose acurfew and this essay will discuss the pros and cons of it.  Fi
In some regions of America, a curfew seems to be imposed although it has not been imposed in Japan for many years. There should be from background to impose a curfew and this essay will discuss pros and cons about it.
In today’s generation, there has been a controversy among the people regarding teenagers roaming around on the roads at night. Recently, in the US, children are barred to go out alone in the night and are asked to compul
Adolescents in general love to live life like free birds. In the US, a curfew is imposed not allowing them to stay out late in nights without an adult. This is a contentious topic, but in my opinion in order to ensure th
In many parts of the United States, teenagers cannot go outdoors without adult supervision during the late hours of the night due to the imposition of a ‘curfew’. In my opinion, this step robs them of their basic human r
With the increase of violence and other dangers, some cities in the United States had decided to not allow their underage population to be outside at late hours without any supervision of an adult. Although curfews might
In this pandemic situation, some vicinity of the US implemented a curfew where the young people are not allowed to go outside at night in a specific period while they could be accompanied by an old person. This essay wou
The crimes against people aged between 13 and 19 are kept on increasing across the world. The United States of America has brought a solution of imposing restrictions on youth to not to step out of the home after evenin
The crimes against people aged between 13 and 19 are kept on increasing across the world. The United States of America has brought a solution of imposing restrictions on youth to not to step out of the home after 8 p.m.
Nowadays, in the USA the issue of parental control is frequently discussed due to its high importance. Moreover, in a number of states, the time spending outdoors by youngsters without an adults’ accompanying is limited
Many of the locations across the US got faced by the curfew due to some issues, Where government special urged for the teenagers not to leave their homes in nights without accompanied by any adults.So, whenever crisis ri
Strict rules have been implemented by the government of many countries for the sake of people. To support this, curfews have been implemented to certain areas of the US during which youngsters will not go out without any
The government imposed lockdown in some areas of the US where the teenagers are not to be permitted outside after a particular time at night and can only be permitted if they accompanied by an adult. I agree with the abo
Nowadays, social and political conflicts have been enhancing due to some immature people in society. The USA has faced the same problems, and to solve this, authorities have to announce a curfew in such areas where teens
In America, the youngsters have been imposed some restrictions these days. They are asked to remain indoors in the late night, unless they go out with a mature person. In my opinion, I strongly support this because th
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