IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some regions of the America, teenagers are not supposed being out of their home especially at night time unless they are accompanied with adults. I will express my points of view about this in this assay.
In some parts of the US adolescent are not permitted to go out after a certain time unless they are with a grown up. I totally agree with this because it is dangerous for young people to be out late at night and they are
Nowadays, most societies have some problems for kids, especially teenagers. In some regions of the US, there is a rule which is prohibited to go out during the night without an adult. Some people believe that it is the b
In some regions of the US, compulsory rules exist about curfew and youngsters must not be out of the doors after a certain time at night unless they spend time with adults. I strongly agree with this statement, because t
In some regions of the US, compulsary rules exist about curfew and youngsters must not to be out of the doors after a certain time at night unless they spend time with adults. I strongly agree with this statement, becaus
In some parts of the US, there is a fixed time and after this time,young people are not permitted to go outside and they can go only with mature people.While I accept that this phenomenon can be beneficial in terms of pr
In some parts of the US, there is a fixed time and after this time,young people are not permitted to go outside and they can go only with mature people.While I accept that this phenomenon can be beneficial in terms of pr
The importance of curfew for teenagers in US during late night was always debatable, has now become more controversial. With many people claiming that it is beneficial , others rejct this notion. The substantial influenc
In some cities in the United States, adolescents cannot go out of their homes after certain [hour] at night if they are not together with an adult. I totally disagree with the statement because imposing curfews does not
The thought of banning teenagers from outdoor after a certain time unless they are accompained by elders has became increasingly common in U.S . This is because change in lifestyle has taken mammonth dimensions . Howeve
Government in a major part of the United States restricts outdoor movement of teens provided an adult is along them. Although it would be inconvenient for certain segments of society, in the long run, youngster's supervi
There are some areas in the United State where the rule curfew is enforced for adolescence that they could not go out after certain time at night unless their adult company them. I believe this rule is definitely useful
In some parts of the US, a rule which is named "Curfew", claims teenagers right to be outside the house after a certain hour in the evening without any adult beside them. I believe this is a good one and is helping to pr
In US some regions where adolescents are not allow to go around at night unless with accompanied with an adult.I would argue that I totally agree with this rules, on the grounds that for safety and security purposes .Thi
Today we have many accidents that happen at night. Hence, the US government imposed a 'curfew' to protect people, especially teenagers are not allowed to be on the streets after a specific time at night unless they are a
I totally agree with the official regulations to protect adolescents from danger especially in some areas where crime rates are considerably high. Curfews or boundaries need to be imposed for the teenagers’ safety intere
Freedom to step out from home at night for teens is limited through enforcement of curfew in some parts of US without the presence of an adult. In my opinion, I agree with this decision made by the government of US. This
The US has declared a curfew in certain areas, especially for adolescents. Therefore they won't be able to go out without a guardian after a particular time of night. This decision is quite suitable in my view as crimin
The young generation plays an integral role in our lives. No one can deny the fact that in some parts of the region in America, the adolescents are not able to go outside at late night without having their parents or gua
As per the recent news in the United States of America, a curfew is enacted in some cities for six months to control religious issues. This curfew bans youngsters under the age of 16 from travelling out of their homes
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