IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In numerous countries worldwide, the issue of individuals earning exorbitant salaries has ignited debates on its implications for the nation. While some argue that high salaries are beneficial for a country, others advoc
Many people argue that there should be a limitation in the maximum wage on high earners; others, however, believe that it should be a freedom for people to get the appropriate salary for their dedication. I agree with th
There is currently a contentious argument over whether paying extremely high salaries is a debated problem. While some people believe that it is good for a country's development, others think it is not fair. I think that
In our common rapidly world some people have enormous wealth, some people thinks that is perfect for a country,but others think that government should pay attention on that and not predict to earn payments and have an e
There is an ongoing debate regarding high salaries earned by a small number of individuals in some couu. A group of individuals have argued that , this will help a nation to grow more so , it is in benefit for a country.
Labor market changes every day, the world progress does not stay at the same point. Some jobs are getting more popular, meanwhile others gradually disappearing. That is why market economy has significant gap between diff
In many countries, there is a huge income disparity among people. This is because some individuals are earning astronomical earnings. At the same time, there are many more who are struggling to make both ends meet. Some
In certain parts of the world, individuals may have an immensely high wage. Proponents of this viewpoint argue that it benefits the nation, while others believe that the amount people receive from their paychecks must be
High salaries have always been a topic of discussion, containing a wide range of opinions. Some advocate that it is better for a nation, while debaters argue that the government should control it. This essay will discuss
A few citizens of countries obtain their earnings enormously. Some nations opt for what is a precise decision and good for their nations' fates, whilst another segment of the society analyzes that the head of the country
Nowadays, in some nations, some people are earning extraordinarily high payments. A few people believe that this is being excellent for a country, while individuals think that the administration could manage and restrict
It is considered by some that high salaries make benefits for a country whereas other people think that salaries should be controlled and limited by the government. In my opinion, I believe that achieving balance is key
The debate over high salaries centers on economic prosperity and income equality. Proponents argue that high income attracts talent, stimulate economic growth, and rewards success. While, Opponents argue that capping sal
Salaries play a crucial role in people's lives. In a few nations, some mankind gets a high salary. Whether some think that it is fruitful for nations, others say that the authorities should control and limit the wages. T
In our contemporary society, there are always a few people who have extremely high income in some countries. Some people opine that this phenomenon has positive impact on a country, but some people think that the governm
In a lot of nations a minimum number of individuals receive a lot of money other people assume that this is nice for the state whilst, some argue that authority must not allow payments that are beyond that certain level.
There is a controversial issue today related to whether the stipend has to have a specific limit or has not been curbed because of some tangible benefits for the nations. While this will delve into the details of both p
There is a controversial issue today related to whether the stipend has to have a specific limit or has not been curbed because of some tangible benefits for the nations. While this will delve into the details of the bot
Nowadays, there is a huge gap between the highest and lowest wages of an employee in many parts of the world. Despite some agreements with this inequality, many including me, believe this might lead to many unpleasant co
Salaries play a crucial role in people's lives across the globe; in some nations, some get extremely high remuneration. A large number of people think that earning a high salary is good for nations, whereas others say th
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