IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, a vast number of children worldwide are working to receive a salary. It is argued by some that the notion is completely unacceptable, whereas others believe it is important to learn valuable life lessons. In th
Nowadays, a wide number of children worldwide are working to receive a salary. It is argued by some that the notion is completely unacceptable, whereas others believe it is important to learn valuable life lessons. In th
Nowadays in our society, some children have an obligation only with studies, but others have to divide the time in study and work, maybe to help the family with the budget of the house. Some people believe that is not co
Nowadays in our society, some children have obligation only with studies, but other have to divide the time in study and work, maybe to help the family with the budget of the house. Some people believe that is not correc
Recently, the debate on whether children can benefit from being engaged in paid work has been heated. As far as I am concern, whether students can reap the benefit from working depends on the impact it has on their studi
In recent year, the culture of a company has changed. It is widely acknowledged that a vast majority of business starts to employ juveniles to be employees. However, there are predominantly two contrasting views where a
Undoubtedly, work is considered to be the most crucial and vital element of life. There are people who believe that teenagers should be involved in some kind of paid work, while others believe that they should carry no b
There is a controversial argument about the participation of children in paid job. For me, the job that children did will give them experience and make them ready for working life as long as they are happy and voluntary
There is a debate on whether or not children should engage in work in job . Some people opine that it is totally wrong, while, other beleive that it will help them to learn valuable skills thriugh paid work . In my opin
Children are known as the nation builder.They are the future of the country.In many ,nations youngsters are involved in some types of employment.Some individual believes that this totaly wrong and while others agree with
Childrens are known as a nation builder.They are the future of country.In many nations youngsters are involved in some types of employments.Some individuals believe that this is totaly wrong and while others are agree wi
There are lots of thoughts about kids who work although they are too young. So some part of people against it whereas other people believe that they must know from childhood how to earn money. In my essay I am going to d
The issue of whether children should engage in paid work during studies is a matter of concern for many guardians. Critics argue that children earning money at a young age can have a negative impact on education, however
According to the recently published data, many children are working nowadays to earn extra money to support their education, or their own expenses. Some believe working is not essential at that stage in life as kids shou
It is often practiced that adults encourage kids to perform housework for money. People are divided into their opinion about this issue. Some believe that this is inappropriate and unreasonable to pay children for doing
Nowadays, youngsters become more responsible moreover create a presence of workaholic mind. In many ,country offsprings are involving in a few kinds of paid task. Some people say it is wrong. Others say that it is fair.
Nowadays, children in many nations are involved in some kind of paid work. While some people consider it as completely wrong, another group see it as a valuable task. However, this is a debatable issue with two different
To pay for children efforts is like a positive influence for them towards performance. Majority of the countries are in the favour of involving grown-ups in the many kinds of paid task whereas, some of the argument with
All over the world, it is possible to see children performing duties and earning money for it. While some decry this conduct, others believe that it helps children to develop important abilities that might help them in t
Many people consider working early and getting paid important for a child because they can accumulate valuable experience while others oppose it and believe that it is not right to let a child work at an early age. From
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