IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, young generation are inspired to find occupation or even see a world in foreign countries for a year between graduating from high school and starting high degree of education. The main benefit of this is their
The phenomenon of gap year between graduating from high school and entering university life is happening in several countries. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages, followed by my opinions
Generally speaking, in the past when students graduated from high school, they went to university or entered the workforce right away. This is no longer always the case. Many students now choose to "take a year off" and
Nowadays, due to the better financial background, people can do more activities in their free time. For instance, in several countries teenagers are suugested to enjoy travelling or having a short-term job in the leisure
Nowadays, a lot of students on different sides of the world have a tendency to take a break between high school and college to work or travel during this period. Thus, there are some benefits and flaws as a result of tha
In this contemporary epoch, the idea of having a gap year before joining the unversity has been gaining ground recently. Whilst proponents hold the view that this trend helps young people broaden their horaizons, opponen
Nowadays, it’s very important to know a foreign language and to achieve this goal many countries encourage young people to work or to travel for a year between high school and starting university studies. In this essay,
One of the widely discussed tendency nowadays is the decision of the students who decided to take a gap year. This essay will highlight the merits and demerits of this trend.
It is argued that before starting university, youngsters are better off taking one year to have occupancy or travel. In my opinion, when they skip going to University, they will not have a chance to graduate at a similar
In certain territories, teenagers are prompted to do a profession or mobilize for around twelve month period once they end up the secondary school and before beginning tertiary education. This will have both pros and con
Young people in some nations are persuade to have a gap year before going to colledge to explore themselves through work or travel. There are many benefits and drawbacks to this statement and here are my reasons behind t
A new alternative after high school has started to become more popular in recent years, and that is to take a gap year before officially starting university studies. There are different pros and cons to this approach, wh
It is commonly accepted that nowadays, many countries support adolescents to work or travel for a gap period between finishing high school and continuing studies at university to become more skilful, independent, and rec
In some places around the world, youngsters are supported to find some knowledges and experiences such as working or travelling after they graduate from high school. This assay will provide both advantages and disadvanta
There is a growing trend towards taking a gap year prior to entering tertiary education among school leavers in certain parts of the world. But it is true that practice does not have its own advantages, I would argue tha
In certain nations, adolescents are advocated to have occupation or journey in means of gap-year prior enrolling to college. This essay will distinguish that enhancing university performance and exporing the earth by tra
Many developed countries give an opportunity for young people who can experience 1 year gap before enjoy their student life. Seem this chance sounds good, however there are pros and cons. In this article, we will discuss
The issue of whether students who finish their high school do some work or go abroad for one year before their tertiary level has grown in importance over the past few decades. While there are some disadvantages associat
In some Western countries, young people such as students who graduated from high school are encouraged to take a gap year to travel or work before they go to university to study. Why it happens? Let's start off with the
Recently, there is a trend among youngsters, to travel or pursue a job before taking up a university education. In fact, many countries are supporting high school graduates to take up this necessary break and refresh the
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