IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Connoisseurs throughout the earth have debated whether the benefits of worldwide travel outweigh its pitfalls or not. Personally, I believe that the drawbacks do not outweigh the boons since it is the source of reven
Recently, an issue related to international tourism has been widely discussed among people the world over. Some argue that travelling abroad has more advantages than disadvantages. However, I disagree with this viewpoin
Tourist is one of the main factors that have helped to increase the income in many countries. However, travellers might affect badly on the tourist places, such as through the rubbish so make the places dirty or damage t
There is a number of benefits that have been brought by international tourism, however, it also has some negative impacts on both local citizens and the environment. This essay agrees with the disadvantages of internati
Nowadays, it is commonly believed that touristry encouragement from foreign travellers has extremely useful, while others believe that it will bring negative consequences to the surrounding neighbourhood and the environm
It is believed that the world tourism industry has resulted in huge advantages for numerous places. Simultaneously, it has negative effects on local residents and nature. Although locals will face cultural difficulties
Travelling overseas has impacted many countries positively by providing the locals in those countries with jobs and an opportunity to earn money. There are many places in the world, which are famous as "Tourist attractio
Numerous places are receiving a lot of benefits from international tourism; however, there are some concerns about its consequences on local habitat and the environment. In my opinion, the drawbacks do not supersede the
It is ubiquitous that with the spread of international tourism, many towns and cities have taken the benefits of it. People hold different views about the effects of this tourism, whether it is more advantageous or not i
International tourism is a major industry in many countries as it brings benefits to the host country. These countries rely heavily on the income these countries bring and will often overlook the negative impacts that to
In this modern era, international tourism has such a positive impact on many areas in the world, while some people argue that there would be an effect on local citizens and environment. Personally, I think that the posit
There are lots of countries earning huge profits from international travelling. Although many advantages created by this kind of tourism are there, a few drawbacks may be harmful to local citizens and the natural world i
It is undeniable that foreign travel is a growing industry these days and thus international tourism has brought many benefits to local places. However, various negative matters stem from this too. There are disadvantage
International tourism has had adverse effects on the local community and environment. However, the benefits associated with tourism are phenomenal. Personally, the advantages remain far more significant.
For many years now there has been a massive increase in international tourism, especially since the commercialization of aeroplanes. There have been enormous benefits of these kinds of travel on the inhabitants of these
The tourism industry has developed significantly in different countries around the world. While there are myriads of positive aspects for this improvement, it is also put the native people ,as well as, the nature and spe
In the modern world , it is undeniable fact that the trend of travel increase rapidly across the globe . Foreign touristry has provided a myriad of benefits to a number of places but it can adversely affect the environm
Global tourism brings huge profits to number of tourist places which carriers with it environmental issues effecting local flora , founa and creatures. Negative impacts of tourism sometimes outweighs the economi
In today's world , tourisim indusrty is widespread amongst many countries .Although ,this indusrty has brought lots of merits to different areas ,the nagetive effect of it on the local regions and natrual environments ,s
the legal of each country has different rules that include with the international travelling legal too, that will make both advantages and disadvantages for those countries. So the impact of tourism may be determined by
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