IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern education, the children punishment have engaged the nation's interest. Some people believe that parents and teachers should tearch social rules to children at young age by using a strong and strict punishm
Never before has teaching young individuals what is correct or incorrect become significantly crucial during the early development stage. Considereably, punishment is used as a tool to provide lessons to student in the l
Some people believe that children should learn to distinguish right from wrong in their early years and punishment can be used in the process. I tend to disagree with the idea. I think that punishing them in early childh
Learning the distinction between right and wrong is crucial for children at an early age. Some assume that punishment is necessary to facilitate this learning process. However, I entirely disagree with this statement whi
Many believe that teaching children the difference between right and wrong from a young age is crucial, and that punishment is an essential tool in this process. While I concur that some form of punishment can be benefic
The necessity of punishment in teaching children the difference between right and wrong is a contentious issue. While some argue that punitive measures are essential for moral development, I firmly disagree. This essay w
There is an opinion that it is quite vital to teach children how to discern good and bad at an early age. As a matter of fact, the most effective way to teach them that is to use a punishment system. This essay agrees wi
Nowadays, children are exposed in a diversified environment where massive information is accessible. It is vital for schools and parents to teach them distinguish right from wrong as early as possible. I also believe by
Throughout the history, raising children has been one of the most paramount challenges of a human's life. In many underdeveloped countries the tradition of physically punishing a child for a mistake is still famous where
Children are a great imitator. They tend to follow peoples behaviors without knowing whether it is good or bad action. It is becoming crucial for their surrounding such as parents or teacher to teach youngster to differe
I am positive about this matter, which is necessary for kids how to distinguish between right and wrong and also the best source for this learning, also I will explain the best way for children whose families want to kno
It is crucial for children to take up the differences between right and wrong from an early age and we have to punish them to assist them learn this distinction. I strongly disagree with this statement and I will explain
According to some, young individuals must learn to distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviour during their formative years. Although there is an agreement to impose consequences as a form of learning so that the
Through the history, Raising children has been one of the most important challenges of every human’s life. One controversial issue, these days, is whether punishment a child is a good or bad thing. There are two types of
It is sential that parents and teachers should develop children's behaviour and attitude at ealry stage of age to know which is right and wrong. if they are not following your guide lines for their goodness then only you
Learning various ways of attitudes is an essential moral education for children. Childhood phase is a pathway life which advocates a growth of life. Grasping what bad-manner or well-manner is paramount in which children
Throughout history, Raising children has been one of the most important challenges of every human's life. One controversial issue, these days, is whether punishing a child is a good or bad thing. There are two types of p
Throughout history, Raising children are one of the most important challenges of every human's life. One controversial issue, these days, is whether punishing a child is a good or bad thing. There are two types of punish
Differentiating between proper and improper actions and decisions is crucially important for youngsters. Thus, it is believed that penalizing children for inappropriate behaviour is efficient. I totally disagree with the
Some people believe that children should learn to distinguish right from wrong in early years and punishment can be used in the process. I tend to disagree with the idea. I think that not only punishing them in early chi
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