IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that it is necessary to save money for everyone,especially for young people. In my opinion, I consider money-saving to be a crucial strategy, as it can serve as an emergency fund and play a future inv
Today, due to the growing trend of unexpected issues, planning for the future life has become more important than in the past. A popular belief about money claims that all people, even youngsters, should save money for t
In modern days, saving money plays a crucial skill for all individuals if they want to be successful in the future. In my opinion, I totally agree with this viewpoint, since everyone needs to prepare money for emergency
These days, it is thought that saving money is a crucial skill for individuals, even for youngsters. Personally, I strongly agree with this opinion since it brings tremendous benefits for people that will be elucidated i
Saving money for people's future is significant. But some adults believe that savings are also the responsibility of youth. Although younger think that saving money is not necessary for their age.
It is believed by some that there is a profound significance of saving money for future prospects for each individual. I firmly disagree with this opinion, and outline reasons below.
It is said that saving money for future purposes is crucial for all people, especially juveniles. I partially agree with this statement as for some people, the amount of taken away money can teach people with financial l
Saving money is a crucial aspect of financial planning that contributes significantly to personal stability and long-term security. However, there is a bad side to budgeting money for youngsters.
It is believed that people should safeguard their wealth for their future regardless of their age. From my perspective, young generation should be taught to save money however it is also important to learn how to use it
Saving money is crucial for individuals, especially for the younger generation. Although the value of money will decrease over time, I firmly believe it is an excellent chance to ensure financial security in the future.
On these days, parents try to teach their kids saving money for their future independence. I partly agree with this statement.
Many contend that securing financial stability is essential for individuals of all ages. I am generally in agreement with this contention though I would concede that saving money can be taken to illogical excesses.
It is common knowledge that budgeting money expenses is of paramount significance for every individual, especially youngsters. Personally, I am in favour of this view to a large extent for two main reasons.
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