IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's globalised world, it is increasingly common for people to live in countries where they have to speak a foreign language. Some argue that this can cause severe social and practical issues. I completely agree wi
There can be social as well as practical difficulties while residing in a nation where communicating in a foreign language is mandatory. The degree to which these difficulties become significant issues is arbitrary, thou
It is argued that social and practical issues may rise when people live in nations where they need to speak foreign languages. This essay completely agrees with this statement because it causes problems at work and menta
Accent is key to communicating with other population, and some population believe speech is a big problem for character who lives in a provincial where they need to speak a foreign style, this problem leads to crucial i
Nowadays,there has been a growing trend of living abroad with a foreign language. Some people believe that folk should talk in the country 's speech to avoid any social troubles as well as routine problems. In my opinio
Nowadays, an array of masses is living abroad for various reasons. However, they aspect many difficulties with speaking another speech, and this brings crucial point, whether social or practical. I strongly agree with t
Language is undeniably one of the most powerful human inventions of all time, serving as a crucial tool for facilitating communication and understanding among people. On the other hand, language possesses its drawbacks,
These days, more and more immigrating to new countries to get a better life.It has been suggested that language varrier can cause significant problem in social interactions as well as issuse in every day life.I partially
Nowadays, an array of masses is living abroad for various reasons. However, they face many difficulties with speaking another language, and this brings crucial issues, whether social or practical. I strongly agree with
To survive in a abroad, native language is really make social and practical problems while interacting with the native speakers.I agree with the statement that it is very difficult to maintain social and practical proble
Nowadays, we are encountering a growing phenomenon of immigrating to more developed countries with different spoken language for better education or working opportunities. Although residing in a country with a different
Nowadays, we are encountering a growing phenomenon of immigrating to more developed countries with different spoken language for better education or working opportunities. Although residing in a country with a different
In contemporary society languages play an important role to exchange the feelings and ideas each other. Speaking a non-native language could be caused to generate a number of despites as social or practical. I strongly d
In contemporary society languages play an important role to exchange the feelings and ideas each other. Speaking a non-native language could be caused to generate a number of despites as social or practical. In this essa
People exposed to a foreign culture using unfamiliar language are thought to have a rough time blending with the environment. Some severe public issues or practical problems might be bothersome if people cannot convey th
Speaking a different language from country that you live in may cause extreme social problems. In this statement we will give you examples and reasons in how much difficult use language that doesn’t popular is.
There is no denying the fact that moving abroad has multiple challenges in so many teeth cases. while some people believe that, speaking other languages, causes a number of social and physical issues, there is also an ar
It is believed that people who use a foreign language in everyday life can create social and practical issues. However, I disagree with the statement above since language brings benefits in today’s world. Therefore, I wi
Nowadays, people go abroad in search of fresh opportunities in career or in education. But once they fly into a different nation and then have to use that native tongue. In my opinion, this can ultimately lead to both im
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