IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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While some museums are implementing a free system for their visitors, others still sell admission tickets. I think there would be more benefit if museums charged no admission fee.
Many exhibitions apply entrance fees for visitors, whilst the remaining offers free entrance. Although charging visitors with admission will limit the museum’s target market, this essay believes that this measure enables
Most of museums consider fees for entering and visiting whereas the others are free. There are some pros and crons for this issue but overall, in my perspective the benefits are more than the drawbacks.The following essa
Some cultural institutions ask people to pay, while other individuals do not have to pay. This benefits museums by providing funds to run effectively and increase their value. In contrast, it also keeps several folks out
Museums are the places where we can see different artworks, ancient goods, antique staffs etc. Museums can be specialized for a selected exhibition or It can show us various things together under a roof. It's known that
Most museums have admission fees while others are free. While there are convenient reasons for advantages which are irrefutable. I personally vote for drawbacks due to the loss of the original purpose of their existence
A plethora of exhibitions have a fee for entrance and people can access other ones without charge. This essay agrees that the negative effects of asking for a payment prevail over the positive ones regarding the declinin
Nowadays, a lot of museums do not charge their visitors, while others have entrance fees. In my opinion, I believe that the positive point of charging fees is more than being absolutely free, however, I must confess that
Museums belong to the nation but the way to visit is going to happen in different ways, by paying money or without money. To the point of my view, museums are worthwhile and as a legacy, they need to be maintained and be
Nowadays, museums are one of the perfect destinations for foreigners who want to know the country better. It has led to a topic of discussion about whether the advantages of an entry fee outweigh the downside and whether
Numerous museums require admission fees to visit, while others are free of charge. Although considering free of charge can be beneficial in some cases, in my opinion, it is highly crucial to receive admission to equip mu
People must pay to enter the museum while others do not. Although charging for admission to museums may not appeal to visitors. I believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks because it helps to encourage museums.
It is said that in some museums, people need to pay for the ticket while others are free.This essay would argue that despite it will limit access, it is far more advantageous to ask for money for entry to museums becaus
When traveling around the world you may have noticed that every museum has its own admission policy, some have discounts for students or seniors over 65 and others do not. In this essay, I will outline how charging peopl
Nowadays, tourists have to pay museum tickets; however, some argue that museums should be free to increase people's visits. I strongly agree that visitors have a responsibility to spend on museums when they want to visit
galleries are great cultural institutions that provide foreigners with a glimpse into history, art, and science. While some galleries offer free acceptance, others charge an entrance fee. This has led to a debate on whet
Some museums nowadays require admission fees, whose amount can vary significantly. While other museums allow free entrance, people are arguing whether these charges are necessary. I personally believe that museums should
Many museums charges very high fees but even there are some museums which are free for public. As every coin have two sides in sam this have also two sides in same ways this have also two sides advantage as well as disa
Nowadays, many museums charge entrance tickets for visitors before entering the museum. From this event, I completely believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In my opinion, museums should provide free en
Some museums charge an entrance fee while others do not. This essay discusses that the drawbacks of charging an admission fee do not outweigh the benefits because, although it may restrict the accessibility of some peopl
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