IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is irrefutable, these days people have plenty of medical issues because of inactive lifestyles; I agree this statement sedentary lifestyles leads to health problems, even though there are other reasons also considered
Technology is escalating globally at a rapid speed due to which it has become extremely common to have mobile phones nowadays ,however there is a restriction to use smartphones in some areas. According to my perspective,
In spite of the increasing numbers of gyms and physical fitness centres, many people are involved in a way of living that is sedentary in the modern world these days. In this essay, I am going to elaborate on the problem
Nowadays, more and more people work as white collar and can do their job comfortably in office. However, some people claimed that this situation directly causes many kinds of diseases. In my opinion, I disagree with this
Some people believe that current medical problems and diseases are because of the lifestyle without any physical activities. While, others believe that it is due to other reasons. I entirely agree with this suggestion th
In this modern scenario,many individuals are experiencing plenty of difficulties because they have to do numerous works by sitting at only one a result,people can be inactive and unhealthy,therefore I completely
In today’s world majority of the population is battling with many issues. It cannot be denied that an inactive lifestyle is the origin of numerous health issues. From my perspective, static routine is not only the main
In cannot be denied that modern people are facing various health problems and diseases. Some people believe thatthe explanation for this is due to our inactive lifestyle. From my perspective, the reason can be considered
There is a belief that most of the illnesses that people are having these days is caused by the lack of physical activity.In my opinion, this is partially true, because a part of health problem is caused by the fact that
It is obvious that modern people are fasing varius health problems and deseases. Some individuals consider that thisis due to our inactive lifestiyle. From my point of view, the reason can be considered as oneof the bigg
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is becoming significant public health issues. Sedentary lifestyles appear to be increasingly widespread in many nations despite being linked to a range of chronic health conditions. From an
In cannot be denied that modern people are facing various health problems and diseases. Some people believe that the explanation for this is due to our inactive lifestyle. From my perspective, the reason can be considere
A lot of reason cause to people be agree with phone ban at some places. One of them is that this instrument distract people from their environment for example at job office you can see a lot of people who are concentrate
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