IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Quality of high school education become the most important problem in every country in the world. There are several inputs for education ministry to improve, one of them is make evaluation for teachers from their student
Some people argue that to improve the teaching standards of a school, students are urged to provide feedback to their teachers, while others say that this might create indiscipline and might be regarded as disrespectful.
It is stated by some people that pushing the learning wheel to the top depends on students' assessment to their instructors, whereas others emphasize that respecting teachers is a priority to the teaching-learning proc
In today's modern era, some people argue that students should be allowed to make recommendations and even criticize their teachers.While others think that it could lead to losing discipline and respect in the classroom,
In the age of modern century, education became a heated topic. Some individual hold the belief that we should provide an incentive for student to give remark or condemn their teachers while others disapprove of these act
In the age of the modern century, education became a heated topic. Some individuals hold the belief that we should provide an incentive for students to give remarks or condemn their teachers while others disapprove of th
Some today contend that high school students should have greater latitude to critique and question their teachers, despite the risks this presents for classroom management. I am strongly in agreement as this enables the
While some folks argue that children are inspired to give comments and criticism on teachers to increase quality towards education, other believe that it decrease their respect and discipline in the class. In my opinion,
It is sometimes argued that students should give feedback to their teachers to raise the quality of education in high schools, while others believe that it will disrespectful. In this paper, I would discuss both points o
In recent decades, it has been argued that teenagers in educational institutions ought to have opportunities to evaluate and criticize to improve the quality of school education. Although some people claim that students
Over the course of history, teachers always are the ones who deliver knowledge to their students and play an important role in the educational system. Recently, there exists an argument that learners in high school shoul
Some would argue that the secondary pupils being persuaded to recommend some ideas or correct their instructors' teaching guidelines able to have better quality in their education, while others say it would be challengin
These days, public debate has been going on over whether students should give their opinions or not about their teachers. I tend to believe that feedbacks improve significantly the educational level for the following re
These days, public debate has been going on over whether students analyse the quality of classes given by their teachers or if it should avoided because could reduce the students respect for their teachers. I tend to bel
There are various different opinions on the subject of developing the quality of education with criticism on the teachers at high school. Yet, the remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this issue
Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every education system . In some cultures , high school students are encouraged to give their opinions about teachers . However l believe
It is irrefutable fact that today's educational quality is really important in our life . This is the reason the majority of people discuss that in order to increase educational quality teenage students must be invited t
while some people are of the opinion that an effective way for high school students to improve their educational quality is having a right to give feedback on their teacher’s performances, others believe that it brings a
There is a heated argument amongst people regarding increasing the quality of education and one section of society argues that students should get support to ask queries from personnel and share disagreements on any topi
Outdoor playing enhances her gross motor skill. Playing in the playground such as the jungle gym helps to improve her physical coordination, mobility and balance skills. She can climb the jungle gym by holding the metal
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