IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, numerous people go through life doing work that they do not like or they do not have a genius for. Although this issue is crucial in personal life and work, Some people do not pay attention to it. T
In contemporary society, many individuals often find themselves stuck in occupations they dislike or lack aptitude for due to various underlying reasons. This occurrence primarily stems from societal pressures, economic
Nowadays, there are a lot of people who are working with no skills, or they are disliking it. As many know that this trend may happen because of numerous reasons such as obtaining high salaries and difficulties of lifest
Nowadays, most individuals have to do various tasks although they are not interested in them. This ratio increases because of unemployment and the rise in the cost of living. As a result, many are suffering from mental a
A significant number of people do not like their jobs, and worse, they do not have any expertise in them. This is due to the fact that most of them have not discovered their passions, and while they are applying to some
People would live the days with love and smiles on their faces when they work with passion. However, a lot of them are willing to work in the jobs that they have no interest in to accommodate their needs. In this brief e
The majority of people do not have a passion for their jobs, which could affect the productivity within an organisation. I believe this situation happens due to the lack of personal skills or just seeking higher positio
A lot of people spend their entire life doing work that they hate or no talent for. This essay will discuss the reason behind, as well as the consequences of this situation.
There are a multitude of people who experience life doing work they are not passionate for, or they possess no good skills for. In this essay,I will discuss why such a situation occurs, mostly due to financial struggles
In recent years, many people work in jobs that they neither have any interest at or talent for. This can occur due to many causes whether it is due to pressure from surroundings or society, and as a result, it can have s
Lots of individuals happen to have jobs that either do not bring the expected joy or simply are not in their powers to be done. This essay will discuss both causes and consequences of this case, which lie not only in peo
There is a heat debated issues whether many people are doing what they hated and they have no gifted in any fields. This essay will discuss the some particular reasons and point out the potential consequences of this iss
Many people go througth life doing work that they hate or have no talent for their work because they do not have experience for life when they are starting to work.
Several people work without vocation or passion in their career throughout their lives. This is the result of parents forcing them to follow a career path they don´t enjoy at all, resulting in workers who lack motivation
Nowadays, we often see community who do their jobs despite they do not like it or they can not do the jobs. This has been a worldwide phenomenon since a lot of people doing it. Considering its wages, I do believe family
Nowadays, it has become increasingly common to see people do jobs that they do not have interest or talent for. The main reason for this is people's quest to be employed and the negative implications of such decisions ar
In this modern era, the competition has rapidly surged among different generation as more choices and increased number of fields are included with more opportunities while, on other side, they leave their passion because
In the recent time, people frequently immerse themselves in jobs which they have neither passion nor talent. In this essay, I will address the causes of this problem as well as the long-term effects.
In modern economics, most people should work at least seven to nine hours daily, in order to meet their primary needs, Therefore they could enjoy a more meaningful life If they put their effort into a practice which they
Numbers of people continue their life doing work that they don't want to do or have no talent for.In my point of ,view many people never choose a job they
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