IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The defination of success is unique to different individual as everyone's interpretation of this word varies. Some people believe that achieving academic excellence or reaching the professional pinnacle is the way to ach
There is a popular adage that says " Education is key to success". A lot of folks believe that career the best way to be successful in life. In this essay, I will discuss this idea and explain what achievement mean to di
All members of a community have a strong desire to accomplish their goals, most assume this is achieved by a career graduation or obtaining a high-level education. Others believe that the only way to success is by earnin
Many people work hard to have a successful life. However, the meaning of success is not the same for everyone and it can be different things to different people. In my personal opinion, I will consider success to be eith
Research has shown that a lot of people try to be successful in their work or studies. However, every human sees the concept of success differently. For some of them success is the excellent grades you get or the good sa
Many people strive to achieve a successful life. However, success is a very vague concept which may mean different things to different people. This essay will consider success with regard to the workplace, family, and fi
Certain people believe that success can be achieved through professional business or jobs. Others think that academics is the one factor in becoming a successful person. However, there are innumerable measures that contr
The concept of success is a complex tapestry woven from diverse threads of human endeavor, encompassing various facets of life. While conventionally, success is often equated with professional achievements and educationa
Every person has their own perspective of success. Some believe that a proper measurement of success is either career or education. Of course, we have a very broad definition of success since we come from a different env
Every person has their own perspectives of success. Some believe that a proper measurement of success is either career or education. For instance, they strive so hard to achieve the highest position in their jobs. Meanwh
In the 21st century, most of the people focus on achieving success in careers or studies. Success can be important to many citizens due to various reasons such as family background and the prosperity of future generation
The majority of the people try to achieve success through their career or education. Where as success is different for a few other people. This essay will discuss, how success is differentiated among different people, fo
Majority of the people try to become successful through their careers or education. In this essay, I will describe the meaning of success for different people and in the end, present my viewpoint on success.
Success definition is different for every individual depending on their personality and opinion. Some believe that being wealthy is the answer, while others think that living a happy and healthy life with your family is
Success can be interpreted in various ways depending on an individual's perception. While some people may consider achieving their career or educational goals as success, others may measure it differently. In this essay,
These days in a globalized world, when we talk about "success", a word that has a dozen meanings for every person. Some argue that a bunch of people are eager to reach their success with two options, career or education.
Many people deem that being successful is related to be satisfied with personal life, others think that it depends on how much money someone earns. In general, it is possible to see that this conception is not cristalyze
Achieving success in career or education has been targeted by many people. Actually, a success could provide plenty of meanings to these people. While others are trying to define the meaning of success, I would also shar
Many people devote their lives to reach their dreams and being successful. They strictly believe that career and education are the paths to thrive and success, while there are a great deal of people who believe in other
In the contemporary era, there are an uncountable amount of ways to reach destinantions in professional life or to achieved success in science. More and more people have been trying to broaden horizons and to enrich outl
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