IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some folks argue about increase of electronic books and decrease of paper books. The fist people claim that a good way. An alternative belief regards this as rising of electronic books is dreadful trend. In this essay bo
Although, preparing food at home is the usual method for having daily meals, however, majority of people buying their food instead of that recently. It can save time and provide an interesting experience by trying a new
The advancement of technology in the 21st century has changed the way humanity tackles even the simplest of tasks like reading. Paper-based mediums like books and newspapers have been replaced by electronic mediums such
The rise of e-books has brought about a decline in the popularity of paper books, and this trend has elicited both support and criticism. While some see it as a positive development, others do not. In this essay, I will
Owing to the increase in the popularity of electronic books (e-books), there has been a significant fall in the prevalence of paper books. A few claim that this change is beneficial. On the contrary, some people are agai
People prefer to ready made food rather than to cook at home recently. The bussier of jobs or bussines encourages them to do that, because they can reduce time for cook and eat. However, the fast food brings some of heal
People have different feeding habits thanks to the multiple choices that we have available nowdays, because restoraunts, pubs and fast food can offer wide options to eat including different diets such as vegan, vegeteria
The technological revolution caused some major changes in the shape of our lives, like the way of reading, it is argued that electronic books made people dump paper books, this essay will discuss the benefits of the mod
The technological revolution caused some major changes in the shape of our life, like the way of reading, it is argued that the electronic books made people dump paper books, this essay will discusses the benefits of the
In this modern era of technology, the demand for digital reports is proliferating enormously towards a large majority of the nation while it has some merits and pitfalls at the same time which will be discussed in the to
More and more citizens are deciding for hotpocket food instead of home-made dishes. The main advantages of these are that home-made food is healthier and these healthy habbits are pass down to our children; however, the
These days people tend to buy food rather than preparing at home. This trend has gained popularity over time due to many reasons. There many advantages and disadvantages of it. This essay will discuss both sides of the c
More citizens are deciding for readymade food instead of healthy home prepared dishes. The main benefits of this are that home-cooked food is healthier and less expensive. However, the main drawbacks are addictive and le
It is argued that technology plays an ever-increasing role in schools and universities. Increased access to information and student freedom are the main advantages, whereas dependency on technology and decreasing levels
It is true that e-books are increasingly being used instead of paper books . In some people's opinion, it is the best step for development . However other people do not think so . Though this essay is mostly beneficial,
Since the middle of the 2000s electronic books were introduced to the public and instantly became a popular item to purchase. It promised to customers immediate access to any book they wished to have. While many consider
We live in an age when people are divided in their opinions regarding the advance of e-books. Many people opine that this is a good improvement while others oppose this thought. I believe the drawbacks of it surpass its
Nowadays, most of the people prefer purchased food rather than cooked homemade food at home,however there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this. This essay will discuss some of the reasons why junk food stay so p
Nowadays, we are living in a modern society where people find everything efficiently around their habitant. Fast food and ready-made food delivery are kinds of convenience that make people refuse to cook at home. There
In recent years, the development in technology has made things easier, many campanies,industries and hospitals are diverting from paper to paperless way of storing informations. Some people see this as the better way whi
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