IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that the prompt desire of things is increasing among people in today’s age. This essay will delve into reasons behind this trend and evaluate whether it represents a positive or negative development.
These days, a wide range of people are seeking for quick services, immediate information and prompt task completion. In my perspective, I contend that this issue is motivated by the advent of technology and the demand fo
In today’s era, there is an increase in the amount of community who require benefits immediately. This is because nation often don't want to wait and only think about themselves. This writer believes that this is a negat
In today’s era, there is an increase in the amount of people who require benefits immediately. This is because people often don't want to wait and only think about themselves. This writer believes that this is a negative
Recently, there have been a considerable number of people who want their goods and services to come to them instantly. The reason behind this underlying trend can be the revolution in technology, and this development can
In the modern era, the majority of people have a desire to acquire tasks immediately. The society will get more benefits from this development and this essay will discuss.
There is no doubt that these days, people are becoming in rush and want everything to be done instantly. The question is, why in recent times more and more people want to finish things in a rush? In this essay, I am goin
In recent times, the majority of the populace has a desire to get tasks completed swiftly. Although, whether this matter has adverse consequences or merits has no absolute agreement. This essay concurs that it is a posit
In current times, the majority of individuals seem to want things to be done immediately. This concerns social services and data which they are provided with, as well as the tasks that are in need to be completed as soon
There is an irresistible urge for modern-day people to accomplish things quickly. There are a couple of motives why this is, whilst there seems to be one major culprit behind this trend, I personally believe that it is a
Advancement of technology brought a massive impact on our society by obtaining services, information and tasks rapidly. I believe this has drawbacks for every individual like decreasing the essence of humanity and being
Today everybody wants their tasks to be done in no time. With the fast pace of life, people wish their work to be done fast, which makes them search for shortcuts and the easiest ways to get things done. The essay will d
It is pretty evident, in today's time, that everybody wants their tasks to be done in no time. With the fast pace of life, people have no time to wait to get their work done, which makes them search for shortcuts and the
It is quite evident that, in today's time, everybody wants their things to be done in no time. With the fast pace of life, people have no time to wait to get their work done, which makes them search for shortcuts and the
These days, the communities urge to have an instant result to things, such as services, information, and tasks. I think that there is one factor to this condition. Furthermore, I have a strong agreement that this situati
The advancement in science and technology has helped humanity to access their requirements with just one click on their computer or phones.This has enabled them to work on their necessities swiftly which is advantageou
Due to the increase in Globalization, all the household, personal and professional chores have become convenient and easy to all ages. No doubt, this trend has made people impatient that they want the end results in a sh
Recently, many people are doing their tasks quickly in order to finish those activities in less time possible. There are numerous reasons for this new trend. This essay will pinpoint some of these reasons and present arg
Nowadays, society is always looking for ways to do their tasks as fast as possible, as it can save them so much time and effort.This essay will discuss,the reasons why I believe that more and more people want to get thin
People are always looking for ways to do their tasks as fast as possible, as this saves them so much time and effort. I believe that this has serious and grave impacts on our efficiency and productivity.
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