IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Scientists and tourists have made key advances via modern technology to reach certain locations of the world which were once deemed impossible, namely the south and north pole. While polluting and destroying natural ecos
Advances in travel technology have made it possible for people, including scientists and tourists, to travel to areas that were previously impossible to reach. While there are some clear disadvantages associated with thi
The world is full of zones that haven’t seen people yet. However, with the advancement of transportation along with technology, now it is possible to visit such places, and occasional trips to the South Pole are the para
With the innovation in technology, researchers and travellers can visit the far place that in the past was not possible. Undoubtedly, the benefits are more than the negatives, it would help to further research on the
Thanks to the development of our society, individuals can now travel to isolated areas, namely the South Pole. Never has this area been exploded before so researchers could discover crucial information for thesis and tou
It is observed that people nowadays tend to be 1 curious about newfound entities, as a result, they take action and deploy things scarcely new things which leads to environmental damage. This phenomenon can be contribute
Visiting the enigmatic remote areas was a permanent dream for humanity during the history of mankind. Nowadays we have this remarkable opportunity to complete that goal, nevertheless, the process has its own pros and con
As technology developed, people can now travel to remote natural areas. While this trend is beneficial to a certain extent. I would argue that its disadvantages are more significant.
With the booming development of technology, it is find easy for human to set foot on far-flung regions, While I can understand that this development can bring certain merits for human civilization , it is my firm opin
With the rise of technology, people are able to explore and observe this world and the universe to a greater extent. Nowadays, scientists and tourists are able to visit remote natural environments such as the south pole.
In the world, there are many regions. If we analyse them, we can realize that there are many quite big differences between them: there are richer and poorer systems; the living cost is different; the opportunities are no
It is aforementioned that in the current days flying to spots that are hard to reach becomes achievable. Nevertheless, this has positive and negative. Both sides will be highlighted in the following lines.
It is observed that as technology and science have advanced, visiting isolated areas becomes easy for people such as researchers and explorers. There are both merits and demerits, and I think the drawbacks would be great
The environment is one of the aesthetic features of nature. Nowadays, most pupils are loving to spend their leisure time travelling to enjoy the beauty of nature. In this essay, we will discuss both advantages and dis
It is true that there is an upward trend of opportunities for scientists and visitors to visit distant natural areas such as the South Pole. As far as I am concerned, there are both benefits and drawbacks to this issue,
In modern eras, remote area with an extreme climate like the South Pole is easier to visit by officers from the tourism and science sectors. Some people reckon that this will provide various benefits to all mankind, whi
In recent years, there are various reachers and passengers who attractive to sightseeing wilderness or wilderness preserves, for example, the South pole. From my viewpoint, I will find out both advantages and disadvantag
Over the last decade, Some people are successfully travelled every corner of the globe and beyond. Especially, by hosting a flag in the impossible places like the South Pole, mount everest, and deep sea,such people inspi
It can be seen that the well trained authorised scientists were only the adventurous travellers in the olden days.In this modern ,world every single person has the facility to visit each and every corner of the earth lik
With the aid of the latest transportation technology, researchers and enthusiastic travellers now are able to set foot on isolated natural areas, such as the South Pole. While this trend is beneficial to some extent, I w
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