The amount of time adolescents spend on various visual devices is increasing rapidly. There is some section of parents who are worried about the same, whilst others believe that it is an essential thing to do in order to
Who should be held responsible for the wrong actions of a child? Should care-takers be questioned about it or just the committer? I am of the opinion that parents are the only authority to look-after and train a child; t
In this modern world usage of mobiles and computers are inevitable. Children are digitally native and it is necessary for them to learn about computers and mobiles. Because of different reasons, kids are spending a lot
Watching tv among kids has exploded over the past decade — not only outside of school but also as an (often required) educational tool. Between homework, social media, video games and YouTube videos, many kids rack up si
Undoubtedly, in the present, scenario, where everyone is depended on the internet for gathering information, advertisement plays an important role in making citizens aware of the technological advancement science has mad
Some people say that leaving their parent's house before youngster is important to become mature. On the other hand, some people explicitly oposide on this. I will discuss both view and with my opinion at the end.
Kids always learn first at home by their parents and then from society, one of the studies says that little one notice their parents and elders at home and try to do the same or adopt it.
Some of the peoples believe that parents should take care of their children and also be legally involved in their activities. It is the prior duty of parents to raise them by providing a good direction and give moral eth
A certain group of people believes that it is a duty of parents to take responsibilities of children in some cases and be accountable for children's actions. It is the duty of parents to show the right path to children.
A group of individuals are inclined to think that as parents are duty bound to take care of their wards, they must also be held accountable for their children’s actions. If asked, I would raise my voice in favour of su
A group of individuals are inclined to think that as parents are duty bound to take care of their wards, they must also be held accountable for their children’s actions. If asked, I would raise my voice in favour of su
Whether or not parents should take the responsibility to raise their children from the early years of life has become a controversial issue.While some individuals are of the opinion that it is essential to get command ov
Nowadays, lots of children have different performance and act learning from school or friends and family. According to their behaviour, it will represent about good and bad side. In addition, children’s acts and behaviou
In today’s world, children have become cleaver. Whatever, they are looking, watching, listening in atmosphere and those things are understood quickly by social media. This has sparked ongoing controversy. Which is inevit
With the advent of technological tools and mass media, children are being exposed at an earlier age to many world issues. Personally, I think that they should be able to differentiate between right and wrong so that they
It is thought by some parents that children should only concentrate on reading academic books and believe that reading entertainment books is a wasteful activity.
In the salad days of millenniums, the society is polarised into two groups equally regarding to the notion that, some individuals say that mothers make a child perfect for upcoming time instead of men.Although, others sa
Whether children should be granted independence from their parents at a particular age has been a debatable issue for ages. Certain individuals are of the opinion that as children attain particular age, they should be ma
Whether children should be granted independence from their parents at a particular age has been a debatable issue for ages. Although certain individuals are of the opinion that as children attain the age of maturity they