IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary era, numerous empirical studies have shed light on the inherent impact on personality. The question of whether nature affects personality more than experiences in life has become a matter of considera
Whether human behavior is a result of genetic factors more than an environmental influence has become a hotly debated topic nowadays. While some studies have proved that all our reactions can be fully explained by the ge
According to a recent research outcome provided by scientists, it is revealed that initial characteristics given naturally to individuals may play essential role in their life in comparison with other habits emerged in t
In recent decades, the factor that shapes our personality has seen divergent opinions. With numerous studies influencing the debate, the question of whether nature has a greater impact than nurture on our characteristics
Everyone is a unique being on the world. It’s not only because how we look but also our personality is different from the others. As the same time, personality is also the most important element to form a person. Ther
It is obvious that we inherit physical characteristics from our parents. Much more debatable is the question of whether nature also has an influence on our character and development. This essay will look at the evidence
While there is a widely held view among researchers that inherent factors have a vital role in people’s personality and development, it is debated that experiences are more significant in comparison to inborn traits. In
Our world is very different and talking about people is the most complex topic because every person is unique. Furthermore, it is quite interesting to understand how our mindset, personality was created. Some people cons
Some studies suggest that someone’s personality is mainly influenced by inborn characters. This essay thinks that the major aspects affecting someone’s character involve how the parents teach good values to their childre
The effects of innate characteristics and any experiences on people's personality are debatable. Research suggests that inborn characteristics more effect on personality compared with any experiences people have. This es
Undoubtedly people’s characteristics are God gifted Even some experts have proven that inherited traits are more powerful in developing our personality. However, I believe that experience is more powerful in character b
In this scientific world, some folks believe that genetic features have a great impact on their development while others believe they can be changed throughout their growths. However, In my opinion, it can be changed by
Research shows that our personality development is mostly driven by our genes rather than life experiences. However, I believe these two factors are equally important in shaping one's personality. Both views will be disc
People have different views on whether innate nature exerts the biggest influence on the personality we exhibit or not. Although our characteristics usually are shaped before we are born to some extent, I do believe that
Many studies claim that our personality and development depend more on our birth characteristics than on our experiences. Both statements will be discussed in this essay, but I believe that an individual’s personality an
There are opinions that the characteristics we are born with have much more impact on our nature and development than any experiences we may have throughout our lifetime. I believe that genes have more supremacy influenc
The statement suggesting that our personality is more influenced by the characteristics we are born with than the experiences we gain throughout life is a topic I fundamentally disagree with. I will present two compellin
Our personality is the final result of different aspects. Various studies show that a human's genetic characteristics cause major effects on his/her individuality instead of what they learn from daily life experiences.
Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance to inherited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unabl
In recent years, a debate regarding the determinants of personality has emerged. In particular, some researchers argue that inherited characteristics have the most influence on people, while others say that experiences i
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