IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a belief that artificial intelligence and robotic machines are gradually taking human roles in the workplace due to their impressing productivity. According to numerous advantages, this writer believes that this
In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of machines and special systems usage, mainly in companies and industries.The causes of this situation appear to be focussed on three factors, and perhaps a number of b
Machines and expert systems have turned to substitute human labour in the working environment because of the development of technology. However, there are some benefits and drawbacks such as more products produced of hi
In this digital era, technology is becoming more and more popular, and humans are concern about the replacement of robots and AI. Because of the dependence of humans on technology is increasing, I believe that this devel
In the digital era, the development of artificial intelligence and robots leads to the replacement of humans in the working areas. I believe that it is derived from the robots' effective productivity and the lack of huma
In digital era, the development of artificial intelligent and robots leads to the replacing of humans in working area. I believe that it is derives from the robots' effective productivity and the lack of humans resources
In this digital age, artificial assistants are being improved in other to replace humans in the place they work. In this writer’s view, robots will replace some professions. This will have a negative effect on the employ
In the digital age, automatic products such as robots and artificial intelligence soared and gradually undertake responsibilities instead of humans in the work areas. The primary reason business managers have a tendency
In the modern era, man-made and automatic devices are thought to be major in some jobs due to their high tolerance for dangerous situations at work. This phenomenon leads to positives in decreasing the burden on people w
The development in AI and robot fields is altering almost all the all the work of humans in big companies. It is the writer of this essay who contends that this is a negative influence in the near future due to the signi
In today digital ear, the development of AI (artificial intelligent) and automatic machine are increasing the replacement in workplace of humankind. The writer believes that this is a positive change due to the public’s
In the digital age, automatic products suchs as robots and artificial intelligencevhas soared and gradually undertakes responsibilities instead humans in the work areas. The primary reason for business managers have a te
It is universally admissible that the light of the proliferation of robots, labor is now being replaced by automation. It is justifiable due to the superior ring of humans in numerous facets such as correction and optimu
In today’s ever-progressing era, the development of robots and artificial perception are being prioritized in order to alter humanity. While the author assumes that this phenomenon comes from the superior function of aut
Many individuals dispute that humans can be replaced in their workplace by the development of robots and artificial intelligence. The reason why humans are being replaced by artificial intelligence is the rise rapidly of
It discussed about technology devices and robots that are being developed to work instead of humans in the workplace. The writer believes that has a more and more serious impact on society.
In the modern places, technology devices and robots are being developed to work instead of human in the workplace. The writer believe that have more and more serious impact on society.
Around the world, robots and artificial intelligence called "AI" are being developed to replace humans in the workplace. in the writer will talk about why is happening and that is a positive or negative impact on societ
There is a common idea that humans are being replaced in their position in the workplace by technologies, it is because of the impact of the 4.0 digital era's development. The author of this essay supposes impact that i
In digital era,most people believe that their jobs are being replaces by the development of robots and artificial intelligence in many workplaces.The writer has a strong concept about benefits which bring for human when
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