IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays,It is becoming more and more popular for schools to give an special uniforms to the students.As a matter of fact,the majority of schools may provide an appropriate clothes for their pupils.However,some students
Different schools have specific school-wearing and they are inflexible about students wearing any thing else . While other schools do not care about their student's clothes and let them wear what they want. This essay wi
In this day and age, is it considered by a plethora of individuals that, a large number of schools have made uniforms obligatory. However, there are plenty of schools where students are allowed to wear what is comfortabl
Some schools make it compulsory that students should wear school uniforms whereas some schools disagree. This essay will state the merits and demerits of having school dress code imposed on students. Advantage is equalit
There are widely differing views on the issue of whether school directors are imposing more rules about school uniforms or not.Some students would suggest that it is their right to wear educational dress codes.There are
In this day and age, it is considered by a plethora of individuals that, a good deal of schools have made uniforms obligatory. However, there are plenty of schools where students are allowed to dress what they want. In t
At the present time, a plethora of schools have introduced special uniforms and put much effort into controlling their student's appearance. Nevertheless, others do not much care about their uniforms. In this following e
Pedagogical methodologies are changing throughout the decades and today is normalized differences regarding uniforms. Some institutions stablish no specific attire for their students whereas others maintain the dress cod
While there are many schools impose learners to wear a certain dress code, other schools give students the freedom to wear whatever they want. This essay will discuss the merits as well as the demerits of wearing uniform
Over the recent years, there has been a growing debate that vast majority of educational institutions have special authoritarian guidelines in terms of school attire. Conversely, others tend to consent students to wear f
It is often argued that educational institutions should be made it compulsory for their students to wear special dress codes during school time. whereas, some others do not imply any rules and regulations on pupils to wh
There are several institutions very precise about their uniforms and aspects of their learners. On the other hand, other schools which are most likely private ones are flexible in terms of appearance. In my opinion, atti
Different schools have different rules regarding uniforms. Some schools require students to wear a particular uniform, while others permit students to wear any outfit, with some rules. Although there are both advantages
In some schools, the dress code is mandated, while students of other educational institutions are not restricted to wearing uniforms. Personally, I am strongly convinced that the advantages of having a school uniform out
In the contemporary epoch, there is irrefutable debate among schools about the dressing of students contrary to the other institutions. While promoting the same dress has a lot of benefits beyond some flaws. In my perspe
Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, While other schools have a very relaxed dress code. In the following paragraph, I will outweigh the benefits and drawbacks of c
While in some schools dress code is of significant importance, other institutions give more freedom to their pupils. This essay will outline the benefits of adopting a school uniform as well as outline its drawbacks.
Nowadays many schools enforce the wearing of school uniforms amongst their students, however, there are growing numbers of people who support and who are against the wearing of school uniforms. In this essay, we shall go
Some educational institutions implement stringent regulation on their uniforms and the appearance of their students, while others allow their students to wear whatever they want. In my opinion, the benefit of pupils wear
Uniforms play a major role in some institutions not only in school but other workplaces as well. Some schools have mandatory school uniforms for scholar whereas others choose to not have them. There are both pros and con
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