IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Social news such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are tools used to communicate with communities of different cultures, races and ethnicities across the globe.
The methods of communication have been transformed from the traditional to the modern ones, one of which is through social media. There is an increasing trend for people to use more social media in order to communicate
Recent advances of technology provide us effective solutions for many problems in our daily life. Social media platforms, developed thanks to the invention of the internet, has been connecting people through all over the
The traditional method has changed with social media, many individuals use it to communicate, to read the news and to know the events. The benefits are people can communicate everywhere and all the time, and they get the
Nowadavs. the way we communicate with one another has changed significantly compared to orevious decades ago. This essay will turner exolore this issue before coming to a conclusion many people may argue that the way we
It is clear that social media has gained popularity all over the world in recent years, especially for communicating and following news and events. Although the trend is not without disadvantages, I believe the upsides c
At present, with everybody's lifestyles being busier than ever, the amount of people relying on social media for conversing and gaining knowledge is immense. There is an ongoing debate regarding the merits and demerits o
Nowadays social media platforms became very common while most of the humans use for as a communication method. Rapid increment can be seen when use of social media than past. In this essay I will examine the pros and con
Technology has made the lifestyle of human beings convenient from the past decades .owing to this,many individuals opine that nowadays poeple prefer to spend time on social media to interact with friends as well as acqui
Social media has been burgeoning in recent years and is commonly exploited by the people. Although I r reckon that it maintains some apparent detrimental termination, I strongly believe that the advantages of social medi
In today's modern world, social media is getting more and more famous for providing good quality communication methods to society. There are numerous advantages of using social media as communication rather than traditi
During the last decade, a considerable proportion of citizens prefer to exchange general information on internet platforms rather than to interact directly. According to my mindset, I believe that the conveniences of thi
Whether we like it or not, social media has become the primary source of delivering updates and organizing people's activities, Even though we have developed rich resources channels that have been here for decades. Part
Most people nowadays, are using social media all the time to be updated on what is happening around the world and to connect their love ones rather than using the old ways of communication. In this essay I will discuss m
Social media is the best and an essential platform for communication and getting news within a fraction of sections than ancient methods. This process certainly has dominated the traditional methods of communication. How
Over the last several decades, social media has altered into an essential method of communication for modern people. A segment of society is convinced that this trend benefits individuals because they can keep in touch w
With the recent advancements in the progress of internet, social media has seen a significant rise in its use. As a result, it has drastically changed the conventional method of communication, with people using more appl
The wide use of social media platforms as a source for news and a means of communication has been adopted by many. The benefits definitely are more than the associated downsides in my opinion.
In recent years, older communication methods have been rendered obsolete by social media, and most peple prefer to follow news and events online. The benefits and drawbacks of this trend will be compared in this essay. P
In recent years, older communication methods has been rendered obsolete by social media, and most prefer to follow news and events online. The benefits and drawbacks of this trend will be compared in this essay. Personal
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