IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued among individuals that leadership comes from knowing some skills which is relevant to beign a leader, however, other individuals have a distinctive view they say it is comes with human nature. In this essay,
Nowadays, due to breakthrough technology and some elements, individuals have to be good directors to tackle the probable issues of life. in fact, not only in life but also in some different cases, such as trading, folk
A contentious debate surrounds whether the qualities of leadership are innate or achieved. While some argue that people are naturally born as leaders, others contend that these skills can be learned later in life. I stro
Several individuals think that in order to be a head, one should have certain innate skills, while other people say that anyone learns can how to be a chief. I firmly agree with the second viewpoint because to become an
Some people consider that leadership a skill inherited from ancestors. Conversely, others claim that coaching can be formed through experiences in life. Therefore, from my point of view, captaincy is a balance between gi
Some people think that great leaders are born and not made. Others, however, feel that leadership skills are developed over time through training, experience and mentoring. In my opinion, good leadership is a combination
A section of society is of the opinion that leadership skills are innate characteristics whereas others oppose it.I agree with the latter because it can be learnt.This essay will discuss both sides of the argument as wel
There is no denying the conviction that some are inborn talented and have leadership traits on the other hand critics argue that skills can be acquired at any phase of life. In my, opinion both propositions appear to be
It is under question that leadership ability is either innate or nurtured. Some people believe that it is only natural talent while others hold the opposite side that it can be learned. In my opinion, people can develop
It is stated that governorship quality is naturally inside a person, while others believe that it can be achieved. In my opinion, it is not something to be achieved but naturally found in humans. I will further explain t
It is stated that governorship abilities are naturally inside a person, while others believe that it can be acieved. In my opinion, it is not something on which to be achieved but naturally found in humans. I will furthe
There are different types of people who play special roles their whole life. Some think that people have leadership abilities in their blood from childhood whereas others are convinced that people can study hard to be a
Although some people believe that excellent leaders are born and do not make all over time, others claim that leadership ability can get though obtaining the experience or the skill. In my opinion, I consider that a good
Although some people believe that excellent leaders are born and not get in the childhood, others claim that leadership ability can get despite of time from obtaining the experience or the skill. In my opinion, I conside
Some people argue that, leaders are naturally born while the others argue that, leaders come through with the developing their skills. I have a neutral statement about this statement and following this essay will explai
It is under question that leadership ability is either innate or nurtured. Some people believe that it is only natural talent while others hold an opposite side that it can be learned. In my opinion, people can develop t
Opinion remains sharply divided on leadership. Some people believe that leadership is an inborn talent, whereas others argue that leaders being trained. The ensuing paragraphs analyse both these views in a detailed way t
Many are of the view that control is innate, rather than cultivated through time and experience. In my opinion, leadership is largely more developed rather than gifted.
Throughout our history, we will find many leaders, who inspire people and lead them to their destinations. There is a group of people who believe that leadership is a skill that comes to you naturally, while there are ot
The ability to lead is one that has raised countless debates. Most opine that this is a skill that can be nurtured, while others insist a person is either birthed with it or not. Both sides have valid points which would
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