There is a large number of children wasting a significant amount of time using gadgets on a daily basis. Lack of hobbies and early purchase of phones might be the reasons for that unhealthy habit. What are the consequen
There is a large quantity of children wasting the significant amount of time using the gadgets in daily basis. Lack of hobbies and early purchase of phones might be the reasons of that unhealthy habit. What are the conse
It is thought by people that youngsters concentrate most of their time using personal devices such as smartphones. Some of the community consider it as a one of the modern problems. To my mind, it has both positive and
Most children and teenagers use mobile phones for long hours daily. In my opinion, this builds a negative impact on children's mental health due to the high volume of data overlooked in a short period of time when childr
Developments in technology have impacted human life drastically and with technological advancement, parents tend to provide smartphones at unnecessary age limits. Most children are addicted to phones. In this essay, I
Current generation used smartphone to support their activity such us play games, interface meeting or shopping. It takes hours for some children play with their smartphones. In my view, it has positive and negative trend
Nowadays, almost every kid who is surrounded by us has a mobile phone. The fact that cannot be ignored is that the use of cell phones by kids has immensely increased. Some of them use it for positive aspects while others
In the twentieth one centuries, Smartphones play a huge contribution in our daily lives. Due to the fact that today they are easy to access and multifunctional for many people, smartphones like iPhones and Androids becam
In the twentieth one centuries, Smartphones play a huge contribution in our daily lives. Due to the fact that they are easy to access and useful for many people, smartphones became undetachable from our daily lives which
Nowadays, technology has an undeniable place in citizens’ daily lives. Especially children are affected more than adults, as it seems that they are spending most of their time on technological devices like smartphones an
Daily on their intelligent gadgets few youngsters waste time. This essay agrees that it is not good progress and will first discuss captivating social media platforms, second how it will affect mental health, followed by
These days,a wide range of children are exposed to technology for multiple hours daily , such as smartphones. While many people see this as a positive development, this essay is strongly against this approach. I will be
It is undeniable fact that mobile devices have now become a prominent part of our lives. Due to this,the children invest hours playing on their smartphones. This essay will not only shed some light on the causes but also
Smartphone is a great innovation of science for communication and has been facilitating people for a long day. It is true that offsprings invest a lot of their time on a mobile phone. I believe that this is negative dev
In this modern ,era smartphones become time-consuming devices for children. It is a harmful trend which rises remarkably and causes serious problems for children.
With the ongoing advancement of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of human lives; however, there has been an emerging issue, namely the overuse of these kinds of devices among children. There are two m
It is hard to deny that kids spend a lot of time on mobile phones. Such a fast leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that using smartphones for hours. However, such a statement suffers from both logical ba
Technology has improved in each and every fiels. In modern time, children are spending their time in smartphones. Some people contradict that juniors should less the use of digital devices because it is not good for them
It is true to say that larger numbers of children are spending considerable hours on their smartphones compared to the past . This could have various reasons but one major fact is the transformation of the latest technol