IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As the world open its borders, children are witnessing diverse languages to be use in everyday communication and experts suggest that students should be exposed in learning new language as early as possible. This essay w
Learning a foreign language can be beneficial for the kids by means of getting knowledge about other culture as well as developing communication skills. However, some people argue that it is good for young individuals t
A number of specialists are convinced that starting to learn a foreign language at primaty school is preferable to starting at secondary school. This is a controversial topic and, and in this essay, I'm going to cover th
Nowadays, many people think that peers should start studying a foreign language at primary level because it can make them more capable to pick things in any society if students start studying the foreign languages in hig
The timing of introducing foreign language learning to children is a subject of ongoing debate, with some advocating for its initiation during primary school rather than secondary level. This essay will critically examin
The discussion of foreign language learning at the elementary school level has been an enticing topic for certain scholars because they argue that primary school is the best time to commence language learning. Even thoug
Some professionals are convinced that studying another language in elementary school is better than in secondary school. although learning a foreign language may take away other crucial subjects due to time constraints,
Learning a foreign language is quite popular across the globe. Some professionals say that children learn a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary education. I think this trend has more benefits than dr
Nowadays, some people consider that learning a foreign language should be started at primary school rather than secondary school. Despite the drawback, I believe that the advantages far dominate the drawback. This essay
In recent times, there has been a huge demand for acquiring a second language due to globalisation. Under the circumstances, there is ongoing contention over whether it is essential for children to commence learning a fo
Nowadays, with widespread globalization, some people started to believe that it is important to change the curriculum in the government, where studying a foreign language should start at primary school rather than second
In the today’s complex world, numerous issue and topic are subject to debate. One such topic is, instead of teaching a foreign language to the students in secondary school we must teach them in primary school only. Whi
In today’s complex world, numerous issues and topics are subject to debate. One such topic is, instead of teaching a foreign language to the students in secondary school we must teach them in primary school only. While i
Nowadays, it is crucial to learn a foreign language due to its worldwide spread and numerous benefit, everybody needs to learn a second language beside their mother tongue, some people say if children learn a new languag
Learning a second language is a challenging process in an individual’s lifestyle, it is argued that a learning language course ought to be added to the curriculum at primary school. Learning more professionally and impro
There are differing opinions on whether children should study a forein language in their elementary school rather than middle school. In my opinion, learning new language at the young age may cause these children forget
In the modern world, the working environment demands being a polyglot. The majority of professionals have confidence that it is comparatively more advisable for the student to initiate learning an international language
Some specialists think that it is more advantageous for international languages to be taught to students studying at the primary level of education in spite of teaching at the next level. This essays discusses the merits
In modern time instruct foreign language most important for every age people not on the children.few expats like that it is good for children to comments instruct another country language at primary school rather than Se
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