IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Living in modern society, some people argue that there are a multitude of choices ahead of us, which sometimes are difficult to choose. From my perspective, I am in favour of the opinion, believing that the world abound
Some individuals think that in recent times we have too many choices. I totally agree with this statement because we have many choices regarding, method of communication, transport, and food.
It is thought that some people believe that Nowadays they have too many choices. I completely agree that there are various choices that are available nowadays.
Driven by globalization and technological improvements, there is a view that modern citizens are able to take more opportunities into consideration. From my perspective, I am totally in favour of this opinion, believing
Whether the variety of choices has increased in the contemporary world is a subject of many debates. I agree with the statement and in this essay, I will explain the reasons for my agreement.
It is argued by some individuals that these days people have abundance preferences. This essay agrees with the statement and will elaborate the reasons why the phenomenon is happened.
Since a few years ago ,several aspects of our lives have changed . Nowadays, having more options is a major change for some individuals . In my point of view , I agree with the statement due to introduction of numerous g
Nowadays, it is undeniable that too many alternatives are being offered to people. The innovation of technology is one of the major reasons that brings up plenty of choices in various aspects of living such as food selec
Having a lot of choices is the topic of discussion. I strongly agree that we have a variety of choices these days.
t is believed by some that people have multiple options in current times. Although I agree to a certain extent that inhabitants of urban areas have a number of alternatives for almost everything related to the luxurious
The system which can afford the mankind to detect a cancer isa revolution of our world and it’s called the photoacoustic imaging.
In the industrialized and modern world where the traces of capitalism can obviously be seen in all dimensions of people’s daily lives, it seems beyond dispute that individuals face a wide range of options and selections
It has been argued that we have too many options in life nowadays. Although this trend provides a wide range of jobs to the people, I strongly agree with the statement as consumerism and a clearer distinction between ri
Technology is taking part in every aspect of different fields of work. Due to this, more and more jobs are emerging in different sectors. With regards to this, some people believed that these days we have numerous option
Many folks think that nowadays we have freedom of choice in many areas of our life. Although this issue is highly argued by many, I still agree that this is true. In this , essay I am going to explain the reasons to supp
It is often thought that humans have many alternative these days. I strongly agree with this opinion and I will discuss my thoughts on the statement.
It is often thought that humans have many choices these days. I strongly agree to this opinion and I will discuss my thoughts on the statement.
The world is changing and as a result, the Norms of society are undergoing changes. In the modern lifestyle, people have a wide range of freedom in their discussions. I agree with this statement and in this essay, the de
there are people who contend human beings have a vast number of options in the face of different circumstances. I uphold the view that, on most occasions, this is the case. In this essay, I will examine this perspective.
The issue of whether people have too many choices recently has come under the spotlight and there is a wide spectrum of opinions on this discussion. I totally agree with the idea that we have too many choices nowadays
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