IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people have views around today we have a lot of opinions,personally l agree with this statement because the development of many things the most papular technology in several of stages and reached medicine to a highe
Currently, individuals may find various choices for any measure, which are highly likely to make them confused. In this essay, I will contend my own opinion about the issue.
It is true that some people believe in this era we have so many choices. Developing technology and globalization give people more options in everything, such as education, jobs, and food. This essay will examine why I ag
It is claimed that people these days have many options to take in daily life, than in previous years. I completely agree with this statement, since in the modern era there isn’t anything to be impossible. The following e
In this modern era, some folks have the notion that we have a wide variety of options in compared with the past. In my personal perspective, I strongly agree that we are able to opt widely throughout every subject. In th
A number of people feel that in this present time, we have a lot of options. I strongly concur with this saying because firstly, in the aspect of career selection, we have a lot today to select from and secondly, the wo
I guess,People now are more aware of what is happening to society.In the ,past i remember people are so simple especially those who live in skirts or urban areas which provided their way of living so simple and calm.The
With the development of the society, people are now living in a more diversified world. In my opinion, nowadays, people also have many limitations although they are offered a lot of choices.
As an artificial intelligence language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide information and insights based on available knowledge.
It is undeniable that in the modern-day, technology has come so far, its effect has a lot of impact on our lives, such as choices of career and accommodation. Therefore, some people think that nowadays all of us have too
Nowadays, people residing in different nations hard contrasting views about mankind's options and the variety of these variables. In the time we live ,in there are so many alternatives about everything so it forces peop
The divorce rate has risen in the past few years, some socialists claim that it is the result of excessive choices. From a personal perspective, I disagree with the former argument, believing that opportunities are still
Living is a dynamic cycle-process as part of human being. Because of that, there are several options that come across to our life because life is always changing.These days, some people assume that we have many options f
Now information is widely available to everyone. It is often argued that recently there are a variety of options to choose from. I completely agree with this statement and this essay will discuss the reasons for my opini
In this globalization era, plenty of choices are debatable. On one side, there are some people who believe that statement, while others don't. This essay will discuss why I agree that we, as a modern society, have too ma
In this globalization era, plenty of choices is debateable. In one side, there is some people who believe that statement, while others dont. This essay will discuss why I agree that we are, as a modern society, have to m
Some people argue that these days, people have exactly several selections. In the following paragraphs, I will examine why this topic is agreement.
In this technological era, it is irrefutable fact that people have wide and various types of options available for doing a single choice. So the majority of crowds believe that the community have lots of products to choo
In recent years, cutting-edge plays a vital role to hidgh standard living of individual. Although technological development has made the life much easier, it allowed for most of people to have a diversity of choosing. I
It is believed that too many choices have been provided nowadays, while others insist that having multiple ways is great. However, I definitely agree with the former statement.
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