IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Testing on animals is one of the most commonly used methods in scientific fields. Some assume that it is a cruel act and should be restricted by law. While others believe that it is appropriate to sacrifice animals to de
Nowadays, there is a common belief that experimentation can be done on an animals. However, some people argued that experiment on the animal is bad and should be prevented. I absolutely agree that animal will be a projec
Some individuals convince that all kind of testing on animals is worst and should be ban, mean while others believe that animals experiments are very crucial for scientific discoveries. In my opinion, this kind of testin
A group of people believes that scientific experiments on animals are harmful and should be banished, whereas another group thinks that in some situations, it is the only way to do important scientific research for the g
A group of people believes that scientific experiments on animals are harmful and should be banished, whereas other group thinks that in some situations, it is the only way to make important scientific researches to good
Lately, a plethora of topics are being seriously discussed among various individuals and groups, and one prominent one is that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, some people believe th
These days many animals are being used for experimentation by researchers. Some argue that it is inappropriate and less humane to use those kinds of subjects and should be banned. Other thoughts that it would be very imp
According to several individuals, animal testing is unethical therefore there is some action to band legally. In the another individuals' opinion, animal experiments is necessary for scientists to discover new theories.
There has been an ongoing debate about animal testing. Some believe that all experimentation on animals is disagreeable and should be made illegal, while others think that they are necessary for crucial scientific discov
From some people's standpoints, all trials on animals are not only bad but also should be restricted. However, others believe significant scientific achievements are not reachable without experiments on animals. I think
Amidst the enhancement of research in the scientific world, some people believe that animal testing should be banned, while others do not. This essay believes that harming animals in the process of scientific studies sho
It is a common knowladge that from ages all tests are done on animals. Nowadays, people fight with that because of their own believes. A lot of us can think if that behavier is justified or are their any alternatives for
Nowadays, despite the scientific achievements, the absolute majority of people deems that we need to do our best to protect the environment. After all, a fair part of these likens animals to humans and believes that all
The discourse of experiments on animals has brought so many responses with some individuals saying this is bad, while, others stressed this is the right method. From my point of view, this is a justifiable method due to
The world has always been a brutal place for animals in various aspects; in order to make human lives better, animals have to suffer. Since the beginning of life on earth, Humans always had more privileges than animals.
According to several individuals, doing experiments on animals is unethical, and such activities need to be banned. Others, on the contrary, argue that sacrificing animals to be experimental objects is necessary for scie
One side of populations assume that using animals as an experiment objects are terrible and must be banned. In the other hand, animal researches are become a necessity to scientific disclosure. In my perspective, I belie
The escalating trend of utilizing animals as objects of experiment have sparked a debate. Some opine that such a phenomenon should be forbidden because of the appalling impacts, while others argue that this is essential
It is still debatable among people whether animals used in experiments should be outlawed, while others argue that experimentation on animals is important in order to achieve scientific breakthroughs. In this essay, I wi
escalating trend of utilizing animals as objects of experiment has sparked a debate. Some opine that such a phenomenon should be forbidden because of the appalling impacts, while others argue that this is essential owing
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