IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Everyone encounters some undesirable situations over their lifetime.It is commonly believed that people should accept the current circumstances which can be bad such as financial difficulties or unsatisfactory employment
The belief regarding whether it is better to accept bad situations or strive to improve them varies among individuals. Some argue that accepting bad situations, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money, is the
Life is all about trying new things gain experience . Every stage of life has something to teach us . In the midst of change, society has been divided into two groups as per the distinct mindsets of different folks . In
A group of citizens think that, it is the best way to accept all bad aspects of our work conditions such as unsatisfactory or insufficient salary, while others believe that, it is beneficial to do our best to enhance our
Now in our days,everyone meets a bad situation such as an unlikely job or problems with money, and there are some people who believe that in this situation the best thing we can do is to accept the situation, while other
Now in our days,everyone meets bad situation such as an unlikely job or problems with money, and there are some people believe that in this situation the best thing we can do is to accept the situation, while other peopl
While some people hold that accepting a bad condition is a good choice, others are of the opinion that people should make improvement on such circumstance. This essay will closely examine both views before concluding tha
To begin, a few public think that to take the worst condition is good such as lack of money or unsatisfied jobs but others debate that it is better to enhance this situation. There are some points related to this stateme
To begin, most people believe that inside a satisfactory job or shortage of money is best to accept the bad situation. People think that it has some merits and demerits related to its positive and negative points which I
The rasio of unemployment is high. The uneducated people face a lot of problems and upcoming poor situations. on the other hand, Well-educated people live luxury lives.Both situations and my opinion will be discussed in
People have different views about whether people should accept a bad situation or work actively to improve the situation. While acceptance may be easy to maintain peace of mind, I believe that we all should make active e
While some people argue that it is important to accept unfortunate situations, such as having not enough money or a dissapointing job, others believe that is better to do something to improve the existing life outcome. A
People have different views about encountering bad circumstances in life. While accepting difficult position seems necessary to be able to continue living , I believe that one should try to change the situation towards a
People have different views about encountering bad circumstances in life. While accepting difficult situations seems necessary to be able to continue living , I believe that one should try to change the situations toward
In some individuals, there are a believe that the way to handle a bad experience is to voluntarily accept it, such as lack of money or a very bad profession. While some others believe that any unpleasant situations can b
A group of people present the view that we should be tolerant of a bad situation such as job dissatisfaction or a lack of money. However, others believe that making an effort to improve these situations is a more efficie
Whilst some people believe in accepting a difficult condition of life, others believe that every person deserves a hope for a better life condition. In my opinion. Everyone has a choice and certain reasons like the unsat
Some say that not reacting to an unsatisfactory situation is better because it is what universe wants, while others say improving them is a better thing to do because with the power of free will, we can shape our lives i
It is believed by some people that if anyone is not successful he should have the mentality to understand his condition. while others believe it is important to put maximum effort into overcoming the bad conditions. This
Each person’s condition in this world is not the same. Some people are rich while others do not even have a dollar in their wallet. Some people think accepting a bad condition, for example, lack of money and an unsatisfy
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