IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The growth of technology has made it possible to read a variety of books on gadgets at home, making hard copies of books redundant. One school of thought might support this belief as saving paper is beneficial for the pl
In the digital era, the relevance of printed books has become a topic of considerable debate.While there are significant advantages of digital books, I believe that printed books will still play an important role.
It is believed by some people that we are no longer in need for hardcopy books, in this digital Era as all writings can be stored and read in an electronic form. While, other people believe that printed books still plays
Thanks to the development of technology, nowadays people can store information electronically. Books, as an important source of knowledge, could also be digitalized and stored in electronic devices. Therefore, some argue
At present, with the development of technology, some people think printed books can be phased out in the digital era. All people need is electronic storage. However, other people think printed books also play a significa
At present, with the development of technology, some people think printed books can be phased out in the digital era. All people need is just electronic storage. However, other people think printed books also plays a sig
As digital technology can save all writing, people have different views about whether printed books are not necessary. Although this technological advancement and convenience are undeniably significant, I firmly believe
Technology is flourished by leaps and bounds in each and every fields, especially education. Some cliam that printed books will exist in this modern era due to the digital notes that can be stiored electronically whereas
Nowadays, some believe that paper books are unnecessary than electronic books because they think all kinds of paper books can be preserved in the digital era. In contrast, other people think that paper books should not
The advent of the computer has made it possible for people to store writings electronically. Some claim that traditional printed books are no longer necessary, while others argue that they are still irreplaceable. Person
Nowadays, our reliant on computers is increasing madly, they are utilized in business, health institutions and police departments. Clearly, the use of it is going to keep developing. However, it is difficult to determine
In the contemporary era, choice of printed books or electronic version is debatable. Some people believe that traditional books are vital other are of the opinion to use the books available online. However, I believe tha
Many people have the belief that hard copies of books have lost value in this technological era as we are now able to store them electronically, while others have the view that their roles are still essential. In this es
It has been frequently argued that written textbooks could be replaced by technical advancements in this innovative world because it is possible to receive such information through e-books. Whereas, others and I conside
In the cutting-edge era, the majority of individuals opine that paper books will not be used for a long time because e-books take that place whereas, others assert that printed books play an essential role in the academi
People have various views about the role of physical books in our modern society, where electronic material and digital content are prevalent. But, others argued that paper writing is still essential in today's era. I wi
Some argue that digital books will be dominant as all written data can be stored in the digital format, while others insist printed books will keep playing an important role. Although the latter point seems to be persuas
In this contemporary epoch, a number of people reckon that printed books are no longer important in this technological era,as all writings can be stored in electronic smartphones or laptops.However,others opine that prin
Nowadays, with the advent of technology , and the internet some people have been considering electronic books more important. Therefore, according to them printed books are no longer necessary and should be replaced. Ho
Some people believe that physical books are not needed in this technological era as the writings can be stored in mobile phones, laptops, pads or other electronic devices, while others argue that printed books play a cru
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