IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the digital era, some people read and write something on their gadgets or tablets because it brings a lot of benefits. However, others say that printed books feel more real and effective to be used. In this essay, I w
With modern technology finding its way into our lives, it is common these days for people to read on electronic devices such as a tablet or a laptop. Because of that, some people argue that paperback is no longer needed
Many adults opine for paper-based books do not need any more in the technological stage when all essays can be converted into digital books, while others perceive that ordinary novels are still an essential part of our l
Other individuals argue that hard-bound books are not essential in this contemporary era because every written manuscript is through electronic devices people can store it. Some others assumed that traditional books play
These days, digital becomes part of population's lives since it can store all files on the internet or electronic devices. Some people believe that published books are less important, however, others claim that paper boo
While it is argued by some people that printed books are no longer required due to the fact that books can be stored digitally in this modern era, others are of the opinion that books that are printed still play signific
There is no doubt about the fact that , as technology is increasing with leaps and bounds , the usage of electronic items increases too. A number of people believe that printed books play an essential role ; however , s
The rapid increase in technology makes some development in every aspect, such as reading a book on digital devices. Nowadays, some Individuals think that hardcopy of books is not needed because of the existence of softco
It is considered argued that printed books are not important in this modern world because all charge are now stored digital-based. While Others believe that printing books have still doing an essential role in society.
A section of the population is of the opinion that books are not vital in this technological period as all writings can be saved on a computer.However,others opine that printed books have a significant role to play in
It is believed by some, that people do not need books made of paper anymore, because nowadays everyone can find and store all the writings on their electronic devices. Others say that paper books are still valuable. In m
Recently, a paperless environment reduces the importance of a hardcover book. Many of the contents are pushed to be available online. There is a discussion that whether printed contents are still essential to people. Alt
Recently, paperless enviroment reduce the importance of hardcover book. Many of contents are pushed to be available online. There are a dicussion that whether printed contents are still essential to people. Although many
In one view, the conventional style of reading has no place in the modern world of eBooks, however, the second view emphasis the significance of reading from the printed versions. This essay is an attempt to meticulously
In the modern era, a number of people believe that physical study material is no longer required as all the information regarding every knowledgeable content is available on digital platform while others are of a view th
No matter time is moving towards advancement, and so as the progress, the importance of education will always remain the same. A number of the public believe that in today's age, books need electronic storage rather than
There are conflicting views regarding whether electronica database could replace physical books. Both sides of the argument will be discussed in this essay, followed by my perspective on this matter.
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