IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The majority of people said that the desirable way to gain a triumphant career is studying at institute while others said that after they graduated from school, they start work immediately. This number is of the opinion
Many people assume that studying at university or college is the best way to a successful career, while others think that getting a job straight after graduating from high school is a better choice. This writer will sho
A section of society believe that having the university degree is the best way to become successful whereas there are others think that it is more benefical of getting a job after graduate. From my perspective, it is mor
Academic success is the most efficient way to guarantee your future job. Whereas some people believe that the schooling degree does effect the empolyers qualifications, I believe that the university degree strongly relat
Some individuals think that studying at campus is the most effective way to pursue a successful future career. However, some people argue that the best way is to get a job after graduating from high school. In this essay
It is argued that bachelor degree's holders should carry on their studies at college to get a dream profession. However, some people believe that entering the workforce right after high school is the right thing to do. I
It is often said that it is preferable to start work immediately after leaving school, while others think that attending a place of higher education is the best way to achieve success in your career. The writer of this a
It is considered by some that having a higher education is the key to a career that is successful and plentiful while others think applying a job immediately after high school would be more beneficial. Despite the writer
Critics may say that it is easier to get a successful career if we study at a university or higher education. Otherwise, some people think that getting a job after high school is better. This essay agrees with the opinio
People have different views about whether students should receive further education after high school. While there are some benefits to getting a job after department, I believe it is better to go to college or universit
It is common belief that learning at univeristy or college is the best way to accomplish in career, meanwhile others think that is greater than when get a job straight after learning at school. And, my view on this issue
Today, a lot of teenagers find it difficult to choose between getting a spot or continuing their education after graduating from high school. Even though there are some benefits of working straight after school, I believ
People hold different views about whether to continue studying or start earning money right after high school is the key of success. Personally judging, I believe that both have merits depending on each type of job.
It is argued that studying at university or tertiary education is the best way to succeed in an occupation, while others disagree and think that it is far easier to have a career after school. This essay agrees that goin
A controversial discussion point is whether enrolling in a university or getting a job immediately after graduating from high school is the best way to a successful career. While the author believes that studying at a
It is believed that going to a higher education is the finest way to have a successful career, but there is an opposing statement that said getting a job after finishing high school is better. This essay agrees that atte
Due to the development of society, there are many opportunities to have a high-paid job but do not need qualifications that become a problem makes the majority of people concerned nowadays. It is argued that students sho
It is argued that whether continue further education or being employed after graduating with a high school diploma is the best way to gain more career success. While it is agreeable that both views have their own benefit
It is argued that pursuing higher education is the best preparation to have a successful career or people should get a job right after graduating from school. Each choice has different advantages and risks, but from my v
It is a widespread belief that the best way to a profitable occupation after high academy is going on studying at a university or college. However, others disagree and think that entering the workforce right after high s
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