IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this present world usage of technology is constantly on the rise.Even used for communication on digital devices , especially in young communities.thus,some people think it has negative effects on developing young peop
It is thought by some people that a massive usage of gadgets as a communication tool can have an adverse effect on individuals` reading and writing skills. I firmly disagree due to some justifications that I will discuss
In the eyes of some, the rising trend of using electronic devices among young individuals to communicate will have disadvantageous in their reading and writing abilities. In my opinion, writing and reading using devices
in this modern world, several people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones in communication has negative effects on young peoples reading and writing skills.
The widespread use of smartphones and computers for communicationhas led to detrimental impacts on young people’s reading and writingskills. I completely agree that this trend is disadvantageous to these skillset, and in
Increase in use of computers and mobile phone technology has reached it's peak and there are many negative implications which effects young people, especially when it comes to reading and writing skills. There are pros a
It is thought by a selection of individuals that an uprising of technology such as computers and smartphones in communication offers plenty of drawbacks to the new generations on both reading and writing skills. From my
The growing use of digital devices in communication affects people's abilities to read and write. Some people are concerned about some negative impacts regardless of the potential benefits that they could gain from this
In the modern era, the rapid advancement of technology has led to a rising concern that the extensive use of computers and mobile phones in communication has a detrimental impact on young people's reading and writing ski
‏There is no denying the fact that people useof computers and other communication.Howeve, some people believe that better use of communication for young people's while others disagree and thaink that it is essential to s
These days some people think that the increasing use of mobile phones also computers in contact has negative effects on young people’s reading and writing skills This essay will discuss both sides will draw my personal c
The adverse impact of the usage of computers and mobile phones for communication has been a debateable matter for quite a few years. I personally disagree with such statement because the benefit of online communication h
The adverse impact of the usage of computers and mobile phones for communication has been a debatable matter for quite a few years. I personally disagree with such a statement because the benefit of online communication
It has been an enigmatic quandary as to whether the device provides beneficial aspects in the young generation’s reading and writing skills. however, it is explicit that media devices apply downgrade young children’s aca
Some people assert that increasing use of media devices for communication has a negative effect on the young generation's reading and writing skills. To protect children's academic abilities, I believe that the Internet
nowadays, technology can play a crucial role in interacting with youngster people all around the world. some individuals think that using electronic things, like mobile and cellphone a lot can have a bad effect on younge
nowadays,technology can plays crucial role in interacting with people allaround world.some individulas think that useing the elctoronic things ,like mobile and cellphone alot can have bad effect on younger in reading and
Some people assert that technological devices for communication are beneficial for the young generation’s academic skills such as writing and reading. In my opinion, there are drawbacks to using technology for communicat
It's undeniable that the use of technology has been dominating almost every aspect of our lives. As a result, the use of gadgets has a negative impact on communication and language skills. I wholeheartedly agree that the
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