IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Undoubtedly, with the rapid technological innovation, the transmission of messages has been becoming more efficient. As those who look upon adolescents’ declining literacy skills a result of overusing consumer electronic
As shown in the above two pictures, it is obvious that the ring road around the hospital basically remained unchanged from 2007 to 2010. However, the transportation infrastructure has been greatly upgraded. The most sign
It is believed that there is a negative effect among the reading and writing skills of the young people while the communication of them through computers and mobile phones is increasing. I agree with that the existence o
The use of technologies of communication has become extremely prevalent among youngsters these days. Some people think that this excessive reliance on gadgets may have some serious implications on their performance in wr
In the recent years, the world of all countries is improving their technology systems in many ways. Some experts believe that the use of computers and mobile devices in communication has had negative influences on youngs
There is a common belief that a rapid increase in usage of electronic devices as the means of conversation provides children with significant drawbacks in terms of literacy. I completely disagree with this opinion becaus
It is often thought by some people that the burgeoning use of computers and mobile devices have a detrimental impact on reading and writing skills of a person. This essay agrees with the above statement.
It is a common belief among the people that there would be problems for young generation if the employees are allowed to work post attaining the age of 60 years. This essay completely agrees with the above statement. Fir
It has been argued by many that the frequent use of the computers and the mobile phones has an adverse effect on the user's ability to read and write. In my opinion, I tend to disagree with this, as it not only enhances
Electronic gadgets like mobile phones or computers have become an integral part of our lives and it is now impossible to imagine a life without them. Some people, however, argue that the overuse of these devices has an a
Such technological equipment as mobile phones and computers have acquired their significance in the modern-day communication of the young. Personally, I believe that this has both positive and negative effects on their r
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