IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals are of the opinion that the foreign tourists ought to adopt the local cultures and etiquette, while others believe that the host nation should appreciate and welcome the cultural diversities. In my opini
In our new generation people used to travel more than in the past. Some nation believes that guests to other land should follow traditional cultural for that land. At the same time others trend that host country should b
Across the world tourists are urged to accept the code of conduct. For the majority, the view is considered to permit the distinct various traditions in the facilitated state. Since, this essay will discuss both sides of
With the development of transportation tools, such as planes, high-speed trains, etc. people find it more convenient and faster to travel than before. However, it also leads to dispute that whether they should follow loc
It is a commonly held belief that it should be mandatory for visitors to stick to the particular rules and traditions of the country they are going to. Opponents claim that it does not have to be obligatory and therefore
Exploring another nation has been become popular among people .However , when tourists go to abroad they must be adhere the rules of local authority but other section of society condemned that its regulator responsibilit
Now a day, people of all ages, enjoy travelling to other countries to explore different cultures and lifestyles. Such excursions definitely boosts one's knowledge, but a lot of care needs to be taken while interacting wi
It is irrefutable that thee travelling to abroad has been raised exorbitantly. Many intellectuals reckon that the outsiders should imitate the aboriginal culture and behaviour. However, others perceive that the host nati
Whenever anyone travel to another country people think that the tourist should follow the local customs and culture, but others believe the country should welcome their tourist with cultural differences. In this essay I
The globalization has certainly changed the globe in a small village. Some people perceive that the guest must follow the tradition of the nation to which they transient. However, others think that the local people must
It is considered by some people that tourists should respect local customs and traditions, while others are against because they think that countries should be open to cultural differences. The first point of view it’s a
In recent times, as a result of tremendous growth in tourism industry, more and more people are travelling to other countries for higher studies, medical treatments, business and tourism, which have sparked heated debate
It has been argued by someone that guests from other states should pursue local ways of life and attitudes of those lands because it makes more acceptable and more cosmopolitan to local people. Other individuals think th
the idea that travellers to different nations has to conform local customs and behavior or these countries should accept cultural differences remains source of controversy . Some people agree with the former opinion , w
While some people think that local rules and behaviours should be obeyed by tourists, others argue that host countries should respect cultural diversity and not reject them. Although there are several reasonable justif
It is always debatable whether visitors should follow local customs and behaviour or the country should be accustomed to cultural differences. At first, I would like to discuss following local customs and behaviour. As a
Recently, traveling, known as the green industry, have had significant changes. Thanks to this, language and culture can now be more widespread. There is an argument upon whether foreign tourists should follow the tradit
In the present day situation, the peoples interest in flying to other countries is increasing at more than an expected rate due to many reasons, most likely, education, tourism etc. This essay will discuss whether one tr
The desire to visit a foreign nation would be a dream to many individuals dwelling on this planet, but certain restrictions imposed on tourists prevent these from happening. A part of the population believes that the tou
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