IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are competing views on whether to make development in life.Although changes always involve risk , I still think that it is always good to make changes because , in the long run, people will gain more from the chang
There are competing views on whether to make changes in life. Although change always involves risks, I still think that it is always good to make changes because, in the long run, people will gain more from the changes t
There are competing views on whether to make changes in life. Although change always involves risks, I still think that it is always good to make changes because, in the lang run, people wil gain more from the changes th
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in people moving to different companies for good jobs and peace of mind. Many companies do counselling with their staff members to st
There has been vast changes in the lifestyle of individuals from olden days compared to recent times. Some people opine these varied lifestyle have been advantageous whilst others think otherwise. This essay seeks to loo
There is no denying the fact that the change can be for better or worse. While it is a commonly held belief that some individuals think that different is always a good thing,there is also an argument that people prefer t
In recent years, numerous people belive that doing monotone activity is more convinence. At the same time, there are individuals who doing various activity to enjoy their lives. This essay will discuss both view and my
In this modern era, most of people choose way of their life in comfortable zone, they prefer to spend theirs lives doing same things every day even forever, they tend avoiding changes on their lives. Only several people
People differ in their attitude towards taking risks, with some people seemingly born to be risky and others rather risk averse. This essay will look into the advantages and disadvantages of an adventurous attitude and c
A lot of people think differently in life because the way they think is the way they are used to be doing something witch for them is comfortable. Some people easily adapt to changes and don’t have a problem with it but
Some people argue with this problem that can compare to high style than people old before modern era. This essay will discuss about the positive impact and negatif impact.
Today, work-life balance is a viral societal debate. Some people argue that maintaining a robust consistent routine while dodging minimal changes is the ultimate way to live. Others, however, disagree and prefer to get t
Over the last half century he pace of change in the of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we vie
Nowadays, some strongly believe that not experiencing changes in their life is better than facing many ups and downs. The following essay will discuss two sides of this phenomenon and state personal opinions.
There has been a debate on whether the government should change the way people live or give them the freedom to determine their way of life. In my opinion, it is a part of basic human rights and the state should suppor
In the contemporary society, there is divisive opinion, where some folks argue that government should involve in personal live while others oppose that it should become privacy matter. Personally, I strongly advocate for
A group of people tend to spend their days by doing similar routines without any modification whilst others consider that modifying their daily habits permanently always an efficient consideration. This essay will discus
In recent decades, the way people live their lives has been characterized by advancements in technology and changes in social life. Some individuals believe the changes impacted positive results, while others think re
Nowadays, people are divided over whether being open to changes in existence is better than doing the same things. This essay aims to shed light on both opinions and reveal my personal perspective.
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