IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The industry of games is becoming more popular nowadays. Some people think that games are not dangerous while others believe games have a negative impact on people.This essay will discuss why the advantages of playing
There is currently a continuous argument over whether youngsters are being harmed or benefited by computerized games. I totally agree with this opinion that electronic games such as Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo give ri
The present-day generation is influenced by the sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, pupils become addicted to visual games. Although this has got few merits, the demerits surpass this. This essay will examine the topic in de
Present-day generation is influenced by the sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, pupils become addicted to visual games. Although this has got few merits, the demerits surpass this. This essay will examine the topic in detail
Present day generation are influenced by the sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, pupil become addicted to the visual games. Although this has got few merits, the demerits surpass this. This essay will examine the topic in det
It seems that in recent years, playing video games has become so popular among people and children in particular. While I understand why some people believe that these games have some positive effects on the users. Perso
Nowadays, technology penetrates every corner of modern life : including jobs, education and even pleasures. So, many people consider video games as inoffensive fun or as a useful education tool. In my opinion, I accept t
Nowadays, more people spend their time playing with their phones, whether on social media or playing with the various application including video games. There is a wide range of video games available which attract people
Nowadays, technology penetrates in every corner of modern life : jobs, education and even pleasures. So, many people consider video games as inoffensive fun or as a useful education tool. In my opinion, I accept their po
The notion concerning that electronic games seems to trigger a considerable debate. A cluster of like minded people voice that playing video games look a greate educational mode for public. However, others take a dim vie
Someone said that computer games are beneficial for education as they are healthy entertainment. But some said that it is harmful to human beings to play on them. From my point of view, I believe that there are more adva
Many people and children ,in particular, enjoy playing computer games. While I accept that these games can sometimes have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a bad impact.
Children often fill their leisure time to play, either traditional sport or technology-based business. Is it true that kids having the opportunity to access high-tech game devices will get a multitude of benefits? Some c
Children often fill their leisure time to play games, either traditional games or technology-based games. Is it true that kids having opportunity to access high-tech game devices will get a multitude of benefits? Some pe
There has been a debate between people about the effect of video games on the players for a long time. Some people believe that they are extremely advantageous in education while the others think that they are harmful to
Nowadays, people's attitude toward video games is divided into two distinct groups. The first group of people consider video games either as inoffensive entertainment or a learning tool. By contrast, the other group clai
Whether video games are detrimental for a player or not is debatable.A few people ponder that these games are innocuous as they act as an educational tool while others claim that they are unfavourable for the players.Thi
Whether video games are detrimental for a player or not is debatable.A few people ponder that these games are harmless as they act as an educational tool while others claim that they are unfavourable for the players.This
Many individuals consider playing computer games can be fun and bringing beneficial impacts while others thought it comes with negative effects. In this essay, I will discuss and explain the way that I feel playing video
It is commonly believed that playing video games can have a harmful effect on people, and children in particular, while others think that it can be used as an entertaining and educational tool. In my opinion, the disadva
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