IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people believe that advertising has become so popular that we are not noticing them anymore, while others think that they still can persuade us to buy significant products. This essay will discuss both views and arg
These days, advertising has become increasingly pervasive in our daily lives. While some argue that advertising is successful at persuading us to buy things, others claim that we are no longer paying attention to it. In
There is no doubt that advertising plays an effective role in the whole world in these days. Nevertheless, some people are against that, due to the fact that no one are paying attention to it. In my opinion, it seems to
In the present era, whether advertisements are effective in human life or not, is a matter of controversy. From my perspective, advertising has benefited people’s lives in several ways.
It is a common belief among many people that commercials are very important for the sale of a product. Conversely, others believe that it has lost it’s appeal due to overuse. I think, though traditional advertisement has
Advertisement is the difficult thing to engage humankind to buy the product and increase the campaign’s sales. In this essay we will look at some points of view why advertising attracts people, and why the abundance of a
Residents claim that advertisements are super successful at making us to purchase things, however, others think that commercials are so ordinary that people no longer pays particular notice to them. In my opinion, it dep
In this day and age , everywhere is covered with enormous advertisements in diverse cases. Some people consider that advertising is completely beneficial to buying products while others believe the low of people's inte
The high rate of advertising has been highlighted over the past decades. From this aspect, some opine that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things, but others hold the view that advertising is
People have different views about the effectiveness of advertisements for the public. Some would argue that commercials can perfectly appeal to people to purchase products, while others suggest that advertising cannot be
It is often believed that advertisement is incredibly effective in promoting purchase among consumers while there is some suspicion that it loses its impact due to its prevalence in daily life. I partially agree with th
In an era characterized by captivating marketing campaigns, advertisement serves as an important milestone for brands. Some argue that advertising manages to increase sales incredibly, while others oppose this assertion
Advertisements are part of the life of people in the world. Although some people are of the opinion that ads do not influence consumers, I personally believe that advertising is one of the best solutions for sailing.
Advertising is when businesses use numerous strategies to attract customers to buy their products. It is argued by some people that advertising is very successful in influencing consumers on their purchases. On the other
A group of people present the view that advertising is an efficient way of convincing us to purchase products, whereas others believe that advertising is unable to attract people’s attention because they are not captivat
In the digital era, some individuals argue that people purchase products impacted by advertisement, while others say that there a lot of advertising makes people have not enough power to see it. I believe advertisement b
Although many people believe that advertising are becoming to something ordinary and unimportant due to grab people’s attention, others are stating that advertising convince us completely in order to purchase their produ
Advertisement could be a profitable way to promote a product for a company. It mainly comes down to the type of product and the context of the advertisement and sometimes the trend or what people think is better.
It is often argued that advertising brings positive results in human purchase habits, while others believe that it has no longer been a popular medium of selling products. This essay intends to discuss both the views and
A group of individuals hold the belief that advertisements have a huge impact on society and peruse them to buy products. On the other hand, others believe that they are no longer effective on people’s minds and do not t
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